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Basic Block Objects


Basic Blocks are regions of code with (typically) one entry point and one exit point. The disassembler's DisassembleBlocks and DisassembleFunction methods both return collections of basic blocks. The DisassembleBlocks method does a simple analysis for basic blocks and may result in blocks with multiple entry points. DisassembleFunction will perform a complete flow analysis of the function resulting in basic blocks with a single entry and single exit.

Object Properties

Name Description
StartAddress The starting address of the basic block.
EndAddress The ending address of the basic block. The block is defined by the half-open set [StartAddress, EndAddress).
Instructions A collection of instruction objects in the basic block.
InboundControlFlows This property is only present on basic blocks which are the result of full flow analysis (e.g.: DisassembleFunction). It is a collection of control flow objects which describe what other blocks have inbound control flow links to this one.
OutboundControlFlows This property is only present on basic blocks which are the result of full flow analysis (e.g.: DisassembleFunction). It is a collection of control flow objects which describe the outbound control flow links from this block to other blocks in the function.