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PFN_WSK_GET_ADDRESS_INFO callback function (wsk.h)

The WskGetAddressInfo function performs protocol-independent translation from a host name to a transport address.



NTSTATUS PfnWskGetAddressInfo(
  [in]           PWSK_CLIENT Client,
  [in, optional] PUNICODE_STRING NodeName,
  [in, optional] PUNICODE_STRING ServiceName,
  [in, optional] ULONG NameSpace,
  [in, optional] GUID *Provider,
  [in, optional] PADDRINFOEXW Hints,
  [out]          PADDRINFOEXW *Result,
  [in, optional] PEPROCESS OwningProcess,
  [in, optional] PETHREAD OwningThread,
  [in, out]      PIRP Irp


[in] Client

[in] A pointer to a WSK_CLIENT structure that was returned through the WskProviderNpi parameter of the WskCaptureProviderNPI function.

[in, optional] NodeName

[in] An optional pointer to a UNICODE_STRING structure that contains a Unicode string that represents a host (node) name or a numeric host address string. For the Internet protocol, the numeric host address string is a dotted-decimal IPv4 address or an IPv6 hexadecimal address.

[in, optional] ServiceName

[in] An optional pointer to a UNICODE_STRING structure that contains a Unicode string that represents a service name or a port number.

[in, optional] NameSpace

[in] An optional namespace identifier that specifies the namespace providers that are queried. Only namespace providers that support the specified namespace can be queried successfully.

[in, optional] Provider

[in] An optional pointer to a GUID of a specific namespace provider to be queried.

[in, optional] Hints

[in] An optional pointer to an ADDRINFOEXW structure that provides hints about the type of socket that the caller supports.

The ADDRINFOEXW structure is defined in the Ws2def.h header. It is identical to the
addrinfoex structure.

Important  The Ws2def.h header file is automatically included in Wsk.h. Do not use Ws2def.h directly.

[out] Result

[out] A pointer to a caller-allocated buffer that receives a linked list of one or more ADDRINFOEXW structures that represent response information about the host.

Note  The caller must call the WskFreeAddressInfo function to free this pointer.
The ADDRINFOEXW structure is defined in the Ws2def.h header. It is identical to the addrinfoex structure.
Important  The Ws2def.h header file is automatically included in Wsk.h. Do not use Ws2def.h directly.

[in, optional] OwningProcess

[in] An optional pointer to the process from which the function retrieves the security context. This security context indicates the user account context in which the function processes the name resolution request.

If this parameter is NULL, the function processes the name resolution request in the context of a predefined local account with minimal privileges.

If this parameter is not NULL and an impersonation token is in effect for the calling thread, this function fails and returns STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER.

[in, optional] OwningThread

[in] An optional pointer to the thread from which the function retrieves the security context. This parameter can be non-NULL only if OwningProcess is non-NULL. Otherwise, this function fails and returns STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER.

If this parameter is not NULL and an impersonation token is in effect for the calling thread, this function fails and returns STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER.

[in, out] Irp

[in/out] A pointer to an I/O request packet (IRP) to use to complete the request asynchronously. Upon completion of the request, Irp -> Iostatus.Information will hold the returned status code.

Return value

WskGetAddressInfo returns one of the following NTSTATUS codes:

Return code Description
An invalid parameter was specified.
The host name cannot be resolved.
The function completed successfully. If the WSK application specified a pointer to an IRP in the Irp parameter, the IRP will be completed with a success status.
The WSK subsystem could not complete the function immediately. The WSK subsystem will complete the IRP after it has completed the control operation. The status of the control operation will be returned in the IoStatus.Status field of the IRP.
Other status codes
An error occurred. The IRP will be completed with failure status.


The process to which the OwningProcess parameter points, or the thread to which the OwningThread process points, indicates the security context for this function. The user account that is indicated by the security context indicates the context for the function's name resolution request.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Available in Windows 7 and later versions of the Windows operating systems.
Target Platform Universal
Header wsk.h (include Wsk.h)

See also



