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USBCAMD_ControlVendorCommand function (usbcamdi.h)

The USBCAMD_ControlVendorCommand function sends vendor-specific commands to the control pipe.


NTSTATUS USBCAMD_ControlVendorCommand(
  [in]                PVOID                      DeviceContext,
  [in]                UCHAR                      Request,
  [in]                USHORT                     Value,
  [in]                USHORT                     Index,
  [in, out, optional] PVOID                      Buffer,
  [in, out]           PULONG                     BufferLength,
  [in]                BOOLEAN                    GetData,
  [in, optional]      PCOMMAND_COMPLETE_FUNCTION CommandComplete,
  [in, optional]      PVOID                      CommandContext


[in] DeviceContext

Pointer to device-specific context.

[in] Request

Specifies the value of the Request field for the vendor command.

[in] Value

Specifies the value of the Value field for the vendor command.

[in] Index

Specifies the value of the Index field for the vendor command.

[in, out, optional] Buffer

Pointer to a data buffer if the command has data. If the command does not have any data, this value is NULL.

[in, out] BufferLength

Pointer to the buffer length value. Buffer length is expressed in bytes. If the value of Buffer is NULL, BufferLength may also be NULL.

[in] GetData

GetData indicates data was sent from the device to the host.

[in, optional] CommandComplete

Pointer to a camera minidriver defined CommandCompleteFunction, which is called when the bulk read or write is completed. This value can be NULL.

[in, optional] CommandContext

Pointer to a block of memory, that is passed as an argument to the camera minidriver defined CommandCompleteFunction.

Return value

USBCAMD_ControlVendorCommand returns the NTSTATUS code from vendor command.

Other possible error codes include:

Return code Description
STATUS_PENDING The vendor command is deferred.
STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES There are insufficient resources to allocate the vendor command.


This function may be called at IRQL >= PASSIVE_LEVEL. If the function is called at IRQL > PASSIVE_LEVEL, the command is deferred. After completion, the camera minidriver defined CommandCompleteFunction is called and passed the value in the CommandContext argument*.*


Requirement Value
Target Platform Desktop
Header usbcamdi.h (include Usbcamdi.h)
Library Usbcamd2.lib
IRQL Greater than or equal to PASSIVE_LEVEL (See Remarks section)

See also
