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UcxControllerSetIdStrings function (ucxcontroller.h)

Updates the identifier strings of a controller after the controller has been initialized.


NTSTATUS UcxControllerSetIdStrings(
       UCXCONTROLLER   Controller,
  [in] PUNICODE_STRING ManufacturerNameString,
  [in] PUNICODE_STRING ModelNameString,
  [in] PUNICODE_STRING ModelNumberString



A handle to the UCX controller that the client driver received in a previous call to the UcxControllerCreate method.

[in] ManufacturerNameString

A string that contains the name of controller manufacturer.

[in] ModelNameString

A string that contains the name of device model.

[in] ModelNumberString

A string that contains the revision number of the device model.

Return value

The function returns STATUS_SUCCESS if the operation succeeds. Otherwise, this method might return one an appropriate NTSTATUS error code.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 10, version 1709
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2016
Target Platform Windows
Minimum KMDF version 1.0
Minimum UMDF version 2.0
Header ucxcontroller.h (include Ucxclass.h)
Library Ucxstubs.lib