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IO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR structure (miniport.h)

The IO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR structure describes a range of raw hardware resources, of one type, that can be used by a device. An array of IO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR structures is contained within each IO_RESOURCE_LIST structure.


typedef struct _IO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR {
  UCHAR  Option;
  UCHAR  Type;
  UCHAR  ShareDisposition;
  UCHAR  Spare1;
  USHORT Flags;
  USHORT Spare2;
  union {
    struct {
      ULONG            Length;
      ULONG            Alignment;
      PHYSICAL_ADDRESS MinimumAddress;
      PHYSICAL_ADDRESS MaximumAddress;
    } Port;
    struct {
      ULONG            Length;
      ULONG            Alignment;
      PHYSICAL_ADDRESS MinimumAddress;
      PHYSICAL_ADDRESS MaximumAddress;
    } Memory;
    struct {
      ULONG             MinimumVector;
      ULONG             MaximumVector;
#if ...
      IRQ_DEVICE_POLICY AffinityPolicy;
      USHORT            Group;
      IRQ_DEVICE_POLICY AffinityPolicy;
      IRQ_PRIORITY      PriorityPolicy;
      KAFFINITY         TargetedProcessors;
    } Interrupt;
    struct {
      ULONG MinimumChannel;
      ULONG MaximumChannel;
    } Dma;
    struct {
      ULONG RequestLine;
      ULONG Reserved;
      ULONG Channel;
      ULONG TransferWidth;
    } DmaV3;
    struct {
      ULONG            Length;
      ULONG            Alignment;
      PHYSICAL_ADDRESS MinimumAddress;
      PHYSICAL_ADDRESS MaximumAddress;
    } Generic;
    struct {
      ULONG Data[3];
    } DevicePrivate;
    struct {
      ULONG Length;
      ULONG MinBusNumber;
      ULONG MaxBusNumber;
      ULONG Reserved;
    } BusNumber;
    struct {
      ULONG Priority;
      ULONG Reserved1;
      ULONG Reserved2;
    } ConfigData;
    struct {
      ULONG            Length40;
      ULONG            Alignment40;
      PHYSICAL_ADDRESS MinimumAddress;
      PHYSICAL_ADDRESS MaximumAddress;
    } Memory40;
    struct {
      ULONG            Length48;
      ULONG            Alignment48;
      PHYSICAL_ADDRESS MinimumAddress;
      PHYSICAL_ADDRESS MaximumAddress;
    } Memory48;
    struct {
      ULONG            Length64;
      ULONG            Alignment64;
      PHYSICAL_ADDRESS MinimumAddress;
      PHYSICAL_ADDRESS MaximumAddress;
    } Memory64;
    struct {
      UCHAR Class;
      UCHAR Type;
      UCHAR Reserved1;
      UCHAR Reserved2;
      ULONG IdLowPart;
      ULONG IdHighPart;
    } Connection;
  } u;



Specifies whether this resource description is required, preferred, or alternative. One of the following values must be used:

Value Meaning
0 The specified resource range is required, unless alternative ranges are also specified.
IO_RESOURCE_PREFERRED The specified resource range is preferred to any alternative ranges.
IO_RESOURCE_ALTERNATIVE The specified resource range is an alternative to the range preceding it. For example, if one IO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR structure specifies IRQ 5, with IO_RESOURCE_PREFERRED set, and the next structure specifies IRQ 3, with IO_RESOURCE_ALTERNATIVE set, the PnP manager assigns IRQ 3 to the device only if IRQ 5 is unavailable. (Multiple alternatives can be specified for each resource. Both IO_RESOURCE_ALTERNATIVE and IO_RESOURCE_PREFERRED can be set, indicating a preferred alternative.)


Identifies the resource type. For a list of valid values, see the Type member of the CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR structure.


Indicates whether the described resource can be shared. For a list of valid values, see the ShareDisposition member of the CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR structure.


Not used.


Contains bit flags that are specific to the resource type. The following table shows the flags that are valid if Type = CmResourceTypeInterrupt.

Value Meaning
CM_RESOURCE_INTERRUPT_LEVEL_SENSITIVE The IRQ line is level-triggered. (These IRQs are usually sharable.)
CM_RESOURCE_INTERRUPT_LATCHED The IRQ line is edge-triggered.
CM_RESOURCE_INTERRUPT_MESSAGE If this flag is set, the interrupt is a message-signaled interrupt. Otherwise, the interrupt is a line-based interrupt.
CM_RESOURCE_INTERRUPT_POLICY_INCLUDED If this flag is set, the u.Interrupt member includes data that describes the device's interrupt policy.
CM_RESOURCE_INTERRUPT_SECONDARY_INTERRUPT The interrupt is a secondary interrupt. For more information about secondary interrupts, see GPIO Interrupts.
CM_RESOURCE_INTERRUPT_WAKE_HINT The interrupt is capable of waking the operating system from a low-power idle state or a system sleep state. For more information about wake capabilities, see Enabling Device Wake-Up.

For a list of valid flags for other resource types, see the description of the Flags member of the CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR structure.


Not used.


Defines the u union.


Specifies a range of I/O port addresses, using the following members.

Drivers must use RtlIoDecodeMemIoResource and RtlIoEncodeMemIoResource to read and update this member, rather than updating it directly.


The length, in bytes, of the range of assignable I/O port addresses.


The alignment, in bytes, that the assigned starting address must adhere to. The assigned starting address must be an integer multiple of Alignment.


The minimum bus-relative I/O port address that can be assigned to the device.


The maximum bus-relative I/O port address that can be assigned to the device.


Specifies a range of memory addresses, using the following members:

Drivers must use RtlIoDecodeMemIoResource and RtlIoEncodeMemIoResource to read and update this member, rather than updating it directly.


The length, in bytes, of the range of assignable memory addresses.


The alignment, in bytes, that the assigned starting address must adhere to. The assigned starting address must be an integer multiple of Alignment.


The minimum bus-relative memory address that can be assigned to the device.


The maximum bus-relative memory address that can be assigned to the device.


Specifies an interrupt vector range, using the following members:


The minimum bus-relative vector that can be assigned to the device.


The maximum bus-relative vector that can be assigned to the device.

If the CM_RESOURCE_INTERRUPT_MESSAGE flag bit is set, the values of the MinimumVector and MaximumVector members have special meanings. For more information, see Using Interrupt Resource Descriptors.


Specifies an IRQ_DEVICE_POLICY value that indicates how the system should distribute a device's interrupts between processors.

Specifies an IRQ_DEVICE_POLICY value that indicates how the system should distribute a device's interrupts between processors.


Specifies a processor group number. Group is a valid (but optional) member of u.Interrupt. This member exists only if NT_PROCESSOR_GROUPS is defined at compile time. If the Group member exists, the Group and TargetedProcessors members together specify a group affinity that identifies the set of processors that should handle the device's interrupts. To specify an affinity for a particular group, set AffinityPolicy to IrqPolicySpecifiedProcessors and set Group to the appropriate group number. In addition, TargetedProcessors must specify the target processors in the group. If you set AffinityPolicy to a value other than IrqPolicySpecifiedProcessors, set Group to ALL_PROCESSOR_GROUPS to indicate that the driver is group-aware (that is, designed to handle information about processor groups). A driver cannot specify target processors if Group equals ALL_PROCESSOR_GROUPS; such target specifications are ignored.


Specifies an IRQ_PRIORITY value that indicates the priority with which the system should dispatch the device's interrupts.


Specifies a KAFFINITY value that indicates which processors should handle the device's interrupts. This value is used only if AffinityPolicy is IrqPolicySpecifiedProcessors.


Specifies a DMA setting, using one of the following members:


The minimum bus-relative DMA channel that can be assigned to the device.


The maximum bus-relative DMA channel that can be assigned to the device.


Specifies the DMA settings for a driver that uses version 3 of the DMA_OPERATIONS structure.

The u.DmaV3 member is available starting with Windows 8.


The number of the request line on the system DMA controller that is allocated to the device.


Not used.


The number of the DMA channel on the system DMA controller that is allocated to the device.


Specifies the width, in bits, of the data bus that the system DMA controller that is allocated to the device uses to transfer data to or from the device.


Not used.


Not used.


Not used.


Not used.


Not used.


Reserved for system use.


Reserved for system use.


Specifies bus numbers, using the following members:


The number of bus numbers required.


The minimum bus-relative bus number that can be assigned to the device.


The maximum bus-relative bus number that can be assigned to the device.


Not used.


Reserved for system use.


Reserved for system use.


Reserved for system use.


Reserved for system use.


Specifies a range of memory addresses, using the following members.

Drivers must use RtlIoDecodeMemIoResource and RtlIoEncodeMemIoResource to read and update this member, rather than updating it directly.


The high 32 bits of the 40-bit length, in bytes, of the range of assignable memory addresses. The lower 8 bits are treated as zero.


The high 32 bits of the 40-bit alignment, in bytes, that the assigned starting address must adhere to. The lower 8 bits are treated as zero. The assigned starting address will be a multiple of the alignment.


The minimum bus-relative memory address that can be assigned to the device.


The maximum bus-relative memory address that can be assigned to the device.


Specifies a range of memory addresses, using the following members.

Drivers must use RtlIoDecodeMemIoResource and RtlIoEncodeMemIoResource to read and update this member, rather than updating it directly.


The high 32 bits of the 48-bit length, in bytes, of the range of assignable memory addresses. The lower 16 bits are treated as zero.


The high 32 bits of the 48-bit alignment, in bytes, that the assigned starting address must adhere to. The lower 16 bits are treated as zero. The assigned starting address will be a multiple of the alignment.


The minimum bus-relative memory address that can be assigned to the device.


The maximum bus-relative memory address that can be assigned to the device.


Specifies a range of memory addresses, using the following members.

Drivers must use RtlIoDecodeMemIoResource and RtlIoEncodeMemIoResource to read and update this member, rather than updating it directly.


The high 32 bits of the 64-bit length, in bytes, of the range of assignable memory addresses. The lower 32 bits are treated as zero.


The high 32 bits of the 64-bit alignment, in bytes, that the assigned starting address must adhere to. The lower 32 bits are treated as zero. The assigned starting address will be a multiple of the alignment.


The minimum bus-relative memory address that can be assigned to the device.


The maximum bus-relative memory address that can be assigned to the device.


Specifies a connection to a serial bus or serial port, or to a set of one or more general-purpose I/O (GPIO) pins.

The u.Connection member is available starting with Windows 8.

The following members describe this connection.


The connection class. This member is set to one of the following values:

Value Meaning
CM_RESOURCE_CONNECTION_CLASS_GPIO Access the device through one or more pins on a GPIO controller.
CM_RESOURCE_CONNECTION_CLASS_SERIAL Access the device through a serial bus or serial port.


The connection type. If Class = CM_RESOURCE_CONNECTION_CLASS_GPIO, Type is set to the following value:

Value Meaning
CM_RESOURCE_CONNECTION_TYPE_GPIO_IO Access the device through GPIO pins that are configured for I/O.

A GPIO pin that is configured as an interrupt request input is accessed as an ordinary interrupt resource (CmResourceTypeInterrupt).

If Class = CM_RESOURCE_CONNECTION_CLASS_SERIAL, Type is set to one of the following values:

Value Meaning
CM_RESOURCE_CONNECTION_TYPE_SERIAL_I2C The device is connected to an I2C bus.
CM_RESOURCE_CONNECTION_TYPE_SERIAL_SPI The device is connected to an SPI bus.
CM_RESOURCE_CONNECTION_TYPE_SERIAL_UART The device is connected to a serial port.


Not used.


Not used.


The lower 32 bits of the 64-bit connection ID.


The upper 32 bits of the 64-bit connection ID.


Requirement Value
Header miniport.h (include Wdm.h, Ntddk.h, Ntifs.h, Miniport.h)

See also



