
Del via

KsResolveRequiredAttributes function (ksproxy.h)

The KsResolveRequiredAttributes function searches the attributes list that is attached to a data range for specified attributes and ensures that all specified attributes were found.


KSDDKAPI HRESULT KsResolveRequiredAttributes(
  [in]           PKSDATARANGE     DataRange,
  [in, optional] PKSMULTIPLE_ITEM Attributes


[in] DataRange

Pointer to a KSDATARANGE structure that possibly has an attached attribute list. KsResolveRequiredAttributes searches the data range's attribute list for the attributes at Attributes. An attribute list attached to a data range follows that data range.

[in, optional] Attributes

Pointer to a buffer that contains a KSMULTIPLE_ITEM structure, followed by a sequence of KSATTRIBUTE structures that describe attributes. The KSMULTIPLE_ITEM structure is a header that describes the size of the buffer and the number of entries in the list that follows the header. If this pointer is NULL, then KsResolveRequiredAttributes only succeeds if DataRange does not have an attached attribute list.

Return value

Returns NOERROR if successful; otherwise, returns an error code.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Desktop
Header ksproxy.h (include Ksproxy.h)
Library Ksproxy.lib

See also