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FltCreateCommunicationPort function (fltkernel.h)

FltCreateCommunicationPort creates a communication server port on which a minifilter can receive connection requests from user-mode applications and services.


NTSTATUS FLTAPI FltCreateCommunicationPort(
  PFLT_FILTER            Filter,
  PFLT_PORT              *ServerPort,
  POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES     ObjectAttributes,
  PVOID                  ServerPortCookie,
  PFLT_CONNECT_NOTIFY    ConnectNotifyCallback,
  PFLT_DISCONNECT_NOTIFY DisconnectNotifyCallback,
  PFLT_MESSAGE_NOTIFY    MessageNotifyCallback,
  LONG                   MaxConnections



[in] Opaque filter pointer for the caller.


[out] Pointer to a caller-allocated variable that receives an opaque port handle for the communication server port. The minifilter uses this handle to listen for incoming connection requests from a user-mode application.


[in] Pointer to an OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES structure that specifies the attributes of the communication server port. This structure must have been initialized by a previous call to InitializeObjectAttributes. This parameter is required and can't be NULL. Members of this structure for a communication port object include the following.

Member Value
Length InitializeObjectAttributes sets this member to sizeof(OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES).
ObjectName Pointer to a UNICODE_STRING structure containing a unique name (for example, L"\MyFilterPort") for the port object.
SecurityDescriptor Pointer to a security descriptor (SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) to be applied to the port object. If needed, a default security descriptor can be created by calling FltBuildDefaultSecurityDescriptor.
Attributes Bitmask of flags specifying the desired attributes for the port handle. These flags must include OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE. The caller can also optionally set the OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE flag, which indicates that name-lookup code should ignore the case of ObjectName rather than performing an exact-match search.


[in, optional] Pointer to context information defined by the minifilter. This information can be used to distinguish among multiple communication server ports that are created by the same minifilter. FltMgr passes this context pointer as a parameter to the ConnectNotifyCallback routine. This parameter is optional and can be NULL.


[in] Pointer to a caller-supplied ConnectNotifyCallback callback routine. FltMgr calls this routine whenever a user-mode application calls FilterConnectCommunicationPort to send a connection request to the minifilter. This parameter is required and can't be NULL.


[in] Pointer to a caller-supplied DisconnectNotifyCallback callback routine. FltMgr calls this routine whenever the user-mode handle count for the client port reaches zero or when the minifilter is about to be unloaded. This parameter is required and can't be NULL.


[in, optional] Pointer to a caller-supplied MessageNotifyCallback callback routine. FltMgr calls this routine whenever a user-mode application calls FilterSendMessage to send a message to the minifilter through the client port. This parameter is optional and can be NULL. If it is NULL, any request made from user mode to send data to the port receives an error.


[in] Maximum number of simultaneous client connections to be allowed for this server port. This parameter is required and must be greater than zero.

Return value

FltCreateCommunicationPort returns STATUS_SUCCESS or an appropriate NTSTATUS value such as one of the following.

Return code Description
STATUS_FLT_DELETING_OBJECT The specified Filter is being torn down. This is an error code.
STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES FltCreateCommunicationPort encountered a pool allocation failure. This is an error code.
STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_COLLISION A minifilter communication port with the same name already exists. Port names must be unique. This is an error code.


A minifilter calls FltCreateCommunicationPort to create a communication server port object.

After the server port has been created, a user-mode application can connect to the port by calling FilterConnectCommunicationPort. When connected, the user-mode application can send and receive messages by calling user-mode messaging functions such as FilterSendMessage, FilterGetMessage, and FilterReplyMessage.

Callers must set the OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE Attributes flag for the ObjectAttributes parameter of FltCreateCommunicationPort. Setting this flag prevents the minifilter communication server port handle from being used by a user-mode process in whose context a caller of FltCreateCommunicationPort might be running. If this flag is not set, FltCreateCommunicationPort returns STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER.

Any server port that FltCreateCommunicationPort creates must eventually be closed by calling FltCloseCommunicationPort. When the server port is closed, no new connections to the server port are allowed, and all calls to FilterConnectCommunicationPort fail. However, any existing connections remain open until they are closed by the user-mode application or the minifilter, or until the minifilter is unloaded.

For more information, see Communication between user-mode and minifilters.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Universal
Header fltkernel.h (include Fltkernel.h)
Library FltMgr.lib
DLL Fltmgr.sys

See also













