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ISynthSinkDMus interface (dmusicks.h)

The ISynthSinkDMus interface handles wave output for a DirectMusic synthesizer device. The DMus miniport driver provides this interface for use by the wave sink, which calls the methods in the interface to render wave output and to synchronize its sample clock to the master clock. As explained in Synthesizer Miniport Driver Overview, the wave sink is implemented in the DMus port driver. To determine whether a DMus miniport driver supports the ISynthSinkDMus interface, the DMus port driver calls the miniport driver stream object's IMXF::QueryInterface method with REFIID IID_ISynthSinkDMus. ISynthSinkDMus inherits from the IMXF interface.

The ISynthSinkDMus interface provides methods to render, convert sample to reference time, convert reference to sample time, and synchronize to the master clock. For information about the use of the ISynthSinkDMus interface, see A Wave Sink for Kernel-Mode Software Synthesizers.


The ISynthSinkDMus interface inherits from the IMXF interface.


The ISynthSinkDMus interface has these methods.


The RefTimeToSample method converts a reference time into a sample time.

The Render method renders wave data into a destination sink.

The SampleToRefTime method converts a sample time to a reference time.

The SyncToMaster method allows synchronization to the master clock in order to avoid drift.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header dmusicks.h