
Del via

IIterableConcept interface (dbgmodel.h)

The object is a container and can be iterated.


IIterableConcept inherits from IUnknown.


The IIterableConcept interface has these methods.


The IIterableConcept::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object.

The GetDefaultIndexDimensionality method returns the number of dimensions to the default index.

The GetIterator method on the iterable concept returns an iterator interface which can be used to iterate the object.

The IIterableConcept::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object.

The IIterableConcept::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object.


Iterable Concept

An object which is a container of other objects and wishes to express the ability to iterate over those contained objects can support the iterable concept by an implementation of the IIterableConcept and IModelIterator interfaces. There is a very important relationship between support of the iterable concept and support of the indexable concept. An object which supports random access to the contained objects can support the indexable concept in addition to the iterable concept. In this case, the iterated elements must also produce a default index which, when passed to the indexable concept refer to the same object. A failure to satisfy this invariant will result in undefined behavior in the debug host.


Requirement Value
Header dbgmodel.h

See also

Debugger Data Model C++ Overview