
Del via

IModelObject::Compare method (dbgmodel.h)

The Compare method compares two model objects and returns an indication of how those objects relate. One of three states is returned:

	< 0: (this < other)

	== 0: (this == other)

	> 0: (this > other)

Note that only intrinsic values can be compared using this method. Calling with any other object type will result in failure.


HRESULT Compare(
  IModelObject *other,
  IModelObject **ppResult



The object to compare this object to. The instance object is on the left side of the comparison and the object supplied by this argument is on the right.


The result of the comparison is returned here. If less than zero, this < other; if equal to zero, this == other; if greater than zero, this > other.

Return value

This method returns HRESULT that indicates success or failure.


Code Sample

ComPtr<IModelObject> spValue1; /* get some ordinal */
ComPtr<IModelObject> spValue2; /* get some other ordinal */

ComPtr<IModelObject> spResult;
if (SUCCEEDED(spValue1->Compare(spValue2.Get(), &spResult)))
    VARIANT vtVal;
    if (SUCCEEDED(spResult->GetIntrinsicValueAs(VT_I4, &vtVal)))
        int compVal = vtVal.lVal;

        // compVal < 0 : spValue1 < spValue2
        // compVal == 0: spValue1 == spValue2
        // compVal > 0 : spValue1 > spValue2


Requirement Value
Header dbgmodel.h

See also

IModelObject interface