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PFND3DDDI_FLUSH callback function (d3dumddi.h)

The Flush function submits outstanding hardware commands that are in the hardware command buffer to the display miniport driver.


PFND3DDDI_FLUSH Pfnd3dddiFlush;

HRESULT Pfnd3dddiFlush(
  HANDLE hDevice



A handle to the display device (graphics context).

Return value

Flush returns one of the following values:

Return code Description
S_OK Hardware commands were successfully flushed.
E_OUTOFMEMORY Flush could not allocate the required memory for it to complete.


The Microsoft Direct3D runtime can call the user-mode display driver's Flush function at any time to notify the user-mode display driver to submit any outstanding hardware commands that are in the hardware command buffer to the display miniport driver. However, a call to Flush should never cause the user-mode display driver to submit invalid commands to the display miniport driver.

To submit commands to the display miniport driver, the user-mode display driver's Flush function should typically call the runtime's pfnRenderCb function.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Available in Windows Vista and later versions of the Windows operating systems.
Target Platform Desktop
Header d3dumddi.h (include D3dumddi.h)

See also

