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D3DKMTPresent function (d3dkmthk.h)

The D3DKMTPresent function submits a present command to the Microsoft DirectX graphics kernel subsystem (Dxgkrnl.sys).


  [in] D3DKMT_PRESENT *unnamedParam1


[in] unnamedParam1

pData: A pointer to a D3DKMT_PRESENT structure that describes parameters for presenting.

Return value

D3DKMTPresent returns an NTSTATUS value, such as one of the following values:

Return code Description
STATUS_SUCCESS The present was successfully performed.
STATUS_DEVICE_REMOVED The graphics adapter was stopped or the display context was reset.
STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER Parameters were validated and determined to be incorrect.
STATUS_NO_MEMORY D3DKMTPresent could not complete because of insufficient memory.
STATUS_GRAPHICS_ALLOCATION_INVALID The primary surface handle was invalidated because of a display mode change. If the OpenGL installable client driver (ICD) receives this error code, it should reopen or re-create the primary handle, replace all references in the command buffer to the old handle with the new handle, and then resubmit the buffer.
STATUS_GRAPHICS_GPU_EXCEPTION_ON_DEVICE An error occurred on the rendering device context that the hContext member of D3DKMT_PRESENT specifies.


The STATUS_GRAPHICS_GPU_EXCEPTION_ON_DEVICE error code does not indicate the initiation of a Timeout Detection and Recovery (TDR) process or that the GPU stopped responding. For example, the DirectX graphics kernel subsystem puts a device into an error state if the display miniport driver indicated that a DMA buffer that was submitted from this device caused a fault or if the video memory manager could not page-in all of the allocations that are required for a DMA buffer even after splitting the DMA buffer. After a device is in an error state, it cannot perform any more operations and must be destroyed and re-created. The ICD can call the D3DKMTGetDeviceState function to determine a more precise reason for the error.


The D3DKMTPresent function might return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER, depending on the combination of parameter values (that is, values in members of the D3DKMT_PRESENT structure that pData points to). The following list describes the most common combinations of parameter values that might cause D3DKMTPresent to return STATUS_INVALID PARAMETER:

  • The hDestination member is non-NULL and at least one of the following conditions is true:

    • The pSrcSubRects member is NULL.
    • The SubRectCnt member is 0.
    • The Blt bit-field flag of the Flags member is not set.
    • The SrcRectValid bit-field flag of Flags is not set.
    • The ColorFill bit-field flag of Flags is set.
    • The Flip, FlipDoNotFlip, FlipDoNotWait, or FlipRestart bit-field flag of Flags is set.
    • The SrcColorKey or DstColorKey bit-field flag of Flags is set.
    • The hSource member is equal to hDestination.
    • The source and destination are not a primary surface.
  • The Flip bit-field flag of Flags is set and at least one of the following conditions is true:

    • The ColorFill bit-field flag of Flags is set.
    • The Blt bit-field flag of Flags is set.
    • The SrcColorKey or DstColorKey bit-field flag of Flags is set.
    • The SrcRectValid or DstRectValid bit-field flag of Flags is set.
    • The Rotate bit-field flag of Flags is set.
    • The RestrictVidPnSource bit-field flag of Flags is set.
    • The source is not a primary surface.
    • The display miniport driver does not support the flip interval that the FlipInterval member specifies.
    • The D3DKMTSetDisplayMode function was not previously called.
  • The ColorFill bit-field flag of Flags is set and one of the following conditions is true:

    • pSrcSubRects is NULL.
    • SubRectCnt is 0.
    • The Blt bit-field flag of Flags is set.
    • The Flip, FlipDoNotFlip, FlipDoNotWait, or FlipRestart bit-field flag of Flags is set.
    • The SrcColorKey or DstColorKey bit-field flag of Flags is set.
    • The SrcRectValid bit-field flag of Flags is set.
  • The Blt bit-field flag of Flags is set and one of the following conditions is true:

    • pSrcSubRects is NULL.
    • SubRectCnt is 0.
    • The ColorFill bit-field flag of Flags is set.
    • The Flip, FlipDoNotFlip, FlipDoNotWait, or FlipRestart bit-field flag of Flags is set.

User-mode graphics drivers that call D3DKMTPresent for blit style present, with the Blt bit-field flag of Flags set, need to take special care to ensure that all previously submitted work to the context(s) being presented from is fully drainable. Failure to do so can result in the application deadlocking itself, or in some corner cases deadlocking the current user desktop. A context is fully drainable if it only contains waits on the GPU sync object where the corresponding signal has already been queued to the GPU scheduler database and where that signal itself is not behind another undrainable wait. In other words, if the user space of all processes in the system was paused immediately after the call to D3DKMTPresent, the wait would get satisfied once the dependent rendering chain already queued to the GPU scheduler would finish rendering. A driver must never call blit present on a context that is dependent on a GPU wait which is not currently satisfied and expected to be satisfied by some later operation originating from this or another process.


The following code example demonstrates how an OpenGL ICD can use D3DKMTPresent to present data.

                HWND hWnd, 
                RECT* pSrcRect,
                 RECT* pDstRect)
    D3DKMT_PRESENT PresentData = {0};

    PresentData.hDevice = hDevice;
    PresentData.Flags.Blt = 
    PresentData.Flags.DstRectValid = 
    PresentData.Flags.SrcRectValid = TRUE;
    PresentData.hWindow = hWnd;
    PresentData.DstRect = *pDstRect;
    PresentData.SrcRect = *pSrcRect;
    PresentData.SubRectCnt = 1;  
    PresentData.pSrcSubRects = pSrcRect; 

    if (NT_SUCCESS((*pfnKTPresent)(&PresentData))) {
        return S_OK;
    return E_FAIL;


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Target Platform Universal
Header d3dkmthk.h (include D3dkmthk.h)
Library Gdi32.lib
DLL Gdi32.dll

See also

