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DD_GETDRIVERINFO2DATA structure (d3dhal.h)

DirectX 8.0 and later versions only.

DD_GETDRIVERINFO2DATA is passed in the lpvData member of the DD_GETDRIVERINFODATA structure when GUID_GetDriverInfo2 is specified in the guidInfo member of DD_GETDRIVERINFODATA in a DdGetDriverInfo call.


typedef struct _DD_GETDRIVERINFO2DATA {
  DWORD dwReserved;
  DWORD dwMagic;
  DWORD dwType;
  DWORD dwExpectedSize;



Specifies a reserved field. Driver should not read or write.


Specifies the magic number. Has the value D3DGDI2_MAGIC if this is a GetDriverInfo2 call. Otherwise this structure is, in fact, a DD_STEREOMODE call.


Specifies the type of information requested, which can contain one of the following D3DGDI2_TYPE_Xxx values. Driver should only read (not write) this member.

Value Meaning
D3DGDI2_TYPE_DEFER_AGP_FREES NT-based operating systems only.
Is used to notify the driver that it should properly handle the destruction of AGP memory for surfaces. The runtime provides a pointer to a DD_FREE_DEFERRED_AGP_DATA structure in the lpvData field of the DD_GETDRIVERINFODATA data structure.
The driver sometimes receives this notification before a display mode change occurs. The runtime only sends this notification if it is to be used to perform the display mode change. Drivers should check the process identifier (PID) of the process destroying the surface against the process that created the surface. If the PIDs are different, the driver probably should not destroy the user-mode mappings of the AGP memory because an application might still be using the memory.
D3DGDI2_TYPE_DEFERRED_AGP_AWARE NT-based operating systems only.
Is used to inform the driver that the runtime sends D3DGDI2_TYPE_FREE_DEFERRED_AGP and D3DGDI2_TYPE_DEFER_AGP_FREES notifications at the appropriate time (such as, after the last outstanding AGP memory lock is released). The runtime provides a pointer to a DD_DEFERRED_AGP_AWARE_DATA structure in the lpvData field of the DD_GETDRIVERINFODATA data structure.
D3DGDI2_TYPE_DXVERSION Is used to notify the driver of the current DX runtime version being used by the application. The runtime provides a pointer to a DD_DXVERSION structure in the lpvData field of the DD_GETDRIVERINFODATA data structure.
D3DGDI2_TYPE_FREE_DEFERRED_AGP NT-based operating systems only.
Is used to notify the driver that it is now safe to destroy all the user-mode mappings of the AGP memory . The driver preserved these user-mode mappings when surfaces were destroyed and it received a D3DGDI2_TYPE_DEFER_AGP_FREES notification. The runtime provides a pointer to a DD_FREE_DEFERRED_AGP_DATA structure in the lpvData field of the DD_GETDRIVERINFODATA data structure.
The driver receives this notification when all display devices within the process stop using surfaces, textures, vertex buffers, and index buffers that were locked at the time of the display mode change.
D3DGDI2_TYPE_GETADAPTERGROUP DirectX 9.0 and later versions only.
Is used to query the driver for the identity of the group of adapters that are part of its multiple-head video card. This group shares video hardware like video memory and the 3D accelerator. The driver should set the data structure pointed to by the lpvData field of the DD_GETDRIVERINFODATA data structure to DD_GETADAPTERGROUPDATA.
D3DGDI2_TYPE_GETD3DCAPS8 This type indicates that the runtime requests to receive a D3DCAPS8 structure giving the DirectX 8.0 style capabilities of the device. The driver should copy an initialized D3DCAPS8 structure into the lpvData field of the DD_GETDRIVERINFODATA structure.
D3DGDI2_TYPE_GETD3DCAPS9 Required for DirectX 9.0 and later versions only.
This type indicates that the runtime requests to receive a D3DCAPS9 structure giving the DirectX 9.0 style capabilities of the device. The driver should copy an initialized D3DCAPS9 structure into the lpvData field of the DD_GETDRIVERINFODATA structure.
D3DGDI2_TYPE_GETD3DQUERY DirectX 9.0 and later versions only.
Is used to query the driver for information about a particular query type that it supports. The driver should set the data structure pointed to by thelpvData field of the DD_GETDRIVERINFODATA data structure to DD_GETD3DQUERYDATA.
D3DGDI2_TYPE_GETD3DQUERYCOUNT DirectX 9.0 and later versions only.
Is used to query the driver for the number of query types that it supports. The driver should set the data structure pointed to by the lpvData field of the DD_GETDRIVERINFODATA data structure to DD_GETD3DQUERYCOUNTDATA.
D3DGDI2_TYPE_GETDDIVERSION DirectX 9.0 and later versions only.
Is used to query the driver for the version of the DDI that the driver supports; this DDI version, in turn, depends on the version of DirectX that makes this request. The driver should set the dwDDIVersion member of the DD_GETDDIVERSIONDATA structure, which the lpvData field of the DD_GETDRIVERINFODATA data structure points to, to the appropriate DDI version.
D3DGDI2_TYPE_GETEXTENDEDMODE DirectX 9.0 and later versions only.
Is used to query the driver for information about a particular extended display mode that it supports. The driver should set the data structure pointed to by the lpvData field of the DD_GETDRIVERINFODATA data structure to DD_GETEXTENDEDMODEDATA.
D3DGDI2_TYPE_GETEXTENDEDMODECOUNT DirectX 9.0 and later versions only.
Is used to query the driver for the number of extended display modes that it supports. The driver should set the data structure pointed to by the lpvData field of the DD_GETDRIVERINFODATA data structure to DD_GETEXTENDEDMODECOUNTDATA.
D3DGDI2_TYPE_GETFORMAT Is used to query for a particular surface format from the driver. The data structure pointed to by the lpvDatafield of the DD_GETDRIVERINFODATA data structure is DD_GETFORMATDATA .
D3DGDI2_TYPE_GETFORMATCOUNT Is used to request the number of DirectX 8.0 and later style surface formats supported by the driver. The data structure pointed to by thelpvData field of the DD_GETDRIVERINFODATA is DD_GETFORMATCOUNTDATA.
D3DGDI2_TYPE_GETMULTISAMPLEQUALITYLEVELS DirectX 9.0 and later versions only.
Is used to query the driver for the number of multiple-sample quality levels for a given render-target format that it supports. Whether the display device supports maskable or submaskable multisampling, the driver for the device must provide the number of quality levels for the D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONMASKABLE multiple-sample type. The driver should set the data structure pointed to by the lpvData field of the DD_GETDRIVERINFODATA data structure to DD_MULTISAMPLEQUALITYLEVELSDATA.


Specifies the expected size, in bytes, of the information requested. Driver should only read (not write) this member.


The dwExpectedSize member of the DD_GETDRIVERINFODATA structure is not used when a GetDriverInfo2 request is being made. Its value is undefined in this case and should be ignored. Instead, the actual expected size of the data is found in the dwExpectedSize member of DD_GETDRIVERINFO2DATA.

The following code fragment demonstrates how to handle GetDriverInfo2:

D3DCAPS8 myD3DCaps8 = { ... };

  if (MATCH_GUID((lpData->guidInfo), GUID_GetDriverInfo2))
    ASSERT(NULL != lpData);
    ASSERT(NULL != lpData->lpvData);

    // Is this a call to GetDriverInfo2 or DDStereoMode?
 if (((DD_GETDRIVERINFO2DATA*)(lpData->lpvData))->dwMagic
      == D3DGDI2_MAGIC)
      // Yes, it's a call to GetDriverInfo2, fetch the
 // DD_GETDRIVERINFO2DATA data structure.
      DD_GETDRIVERINFO2DATA* pgdi2 = lpData->lpvData;
 ASSERT(NULL != pgdi2);
      // What type of request is this?
      switch (pgdi2->dwType)
        case D3DGDI2_TYPE_GETD3DCAPS8:
          // The runtime is requesting the DX8 D3D caps
          // so copy them over now. It should be noted
          // that the dwExpectedSize field of
          // DD_GETDRIVERINFODATA is not used for
          // GetDriverInfo2 calls and should be ignored.
          size_t copySize = min(
            sizeof(myD3DCaps8), pgdi2->dwExpectedSize);
          memcpy(lpData->lpvData, &myD3DCaps8, copySize);
          lpData->dwActualSize = copySize;
          lpData->ddRVal       = DD_OK;
          return DDHAL_DRIVER_HANDLED;
          // For any other GetDriverInfo2 types not handled
          // or understood by the driver set a ddRVal of
          // DDERR_CURRENTLYNOTAVAIL and return
          return DDHAL_DRIVER_HANDLED;
      // It must be a call to request for stereo mode support.
 // Fetch the stereo mode data
      DD_STEREOMODE* pStereoMode = lpData->lpvData;
 ASSERT(NULL != pStereoMode);

      // Process the stereo mode request...
      lpData->dwActualSize = sizeof(DD_STEREOMODE);
      lpData->ddRVal       = DD_OK;

  // Handle any other device GUIDs...

} // DdGetDriverInfo

For more information about D3DCAPS8 and D3DCAPS9, see the DirectX SDK documentation.


Requirement Value
Header d3dhal.h (include D3dhal.h)

See also














