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D3DHAL_DRAWPRIMITIVES2DATA structure (d3dhal.h)

The D3DHAL_DRAWPRIMITIVES2DATA structure contains the information required by the D3dDrawPrimitives2 function to render primitives.


  ULONG_PTR                 dwhContext;
  DWORD                     dwFlags;
  DWORD                     dwVertexType;
  DWORD                     dwCommandOffset;
  DWORD                     dwCommandLength;
  union {
    LPVOID                    lpVertices;
  DWORD                     dwVertexOffset;
  DWORD                     dwVertexLength;
  DWORD                     dwReqVertexBufSize;
  DWORD                     dwReqCommandBufSize;
  LPDWORD                   lpdwRStates;
  union {
    DWORD   dwVertexSize;
    HRESULT ddrval;
  DWORD                     dwErrorOffset;



Specifies the context handle of the Direct3D device.


Specifies flags that provide additional instructions to the driver or provide information from the driver. This member can be a bitwise OR of the following values:

Value Meaning
D3DHALDP2_EXECUTEBUFFER The command and vertex buffers were created in system memory. The driver should update the state array that lpdwRStates points to. This flag is set by Direct3D only.
D3DHALDP2_REQCOMMANDBUFSIZE The driver must be able to increase the current command buffer by at least the size specified in dwReqCommandBufSize. Drivers that do not support multibuffering of command buffers can ignore this flag. This flag is set by Direct3D only.
D3DHALDP2_REQVERTEXBUFSIZE The driver must be able to allocate a vertex buffer of at least the size specified in dwReqCommandBufSize. Drivers that do not support multibuffering of vertex buffers can ignore this flag. This flag is set by Direct3D only.
D3DHALDP2_SWAPCOMMANDBUFFER The driver can swap the buffer that lpDDCommands points to with a new command buffer and return immediately, asynchronously processing the original buffer while Direct3D fills the new command buffer. Drivers that do not support multibuffering of command buffers can ignore this flag. This flag is set by Direct3D only.
D3DHALDP2_SWAPVERTEXBUFFER The driver can swap the buffer that lpDDVertex or lpVertices points to with a new vertex buffer and return immediately, asynchronously processing the original buffer while Direct3D fills the new vertex buffer. Drivers that do not support multibuffering of vertex buffers can ignore this flag. This flag is set by Direct3D only.
D3DHALDP2_USERMEMVERTICES The lpVertices member is valid so the driver should obtain the vertex data from the user-allocated memory that lpVertices points to. This flag is set by Direct3D only.
D3DHALDP2_VIDMEMCOMMANDBUF The command buffer allocated by the driver as a swap buffer is not in system memory. This flag can be set by drivers that support multibuffering of command buffers.
D3DHALDP2_VIDMEMVERTEXBUF The vertex buffer allocated by the driver as a swap buffer is not in system memory. This flag can be set by drivers that support multibuffering of vertex buffers.


Identifies the FVF of the data in the vertex buffer; that is, dwVertexType specifies which per-vertex data fields are present in the vertex buffer that lpDDVertex or lpVertices points to. This member can be a bitwise OR of the values in the following table. Only one of the D3DFVF_TEXx flags is set.

Value Meaning
D3DFVF_DIFFUSE Each vertex has a diffuse color.
D3DFVF_SPECULAR Each vertex has a specular color.
D3DFVF_TEX0 No texture coordinates are provided with the vertex data.
D3DFVF_TEX1 Each vertex has one set of texture coordinates.
D3DFVF_TEX2 Each vertex has two sets of texture coordinates.
D3DFVF_TEX3 Each vertex has three sets of texture coordinates.
D3DFVF_TEX4 Each vertex has four sets of texture coordinates.
D3DFVF_TEX5 Each vertex has five sets of texture coordinates.
D3DFVF_TEX6 Each vertex has six sets of texture coordinates.
D3DFVF_TEX7 Each vertex has seven sets of texture coordinates.
D3DFVF_TEX8 Each vertex has eight sets of texture coordinates.
D3DFVF_XYZRHW Each vertex has x, y, z, and w coordinates. This flag is always set.




Specifies the number of bytes of valid command data in the surface that lpDDCommands points to starting at dwCommandOffset.


Points to the DD_SURFACE_LOCAL structure that identifies the DirectDraw surface containing the vertex data when the D3DHALDP2_USERMEMVERTICES flag is not set in dwFlags. Forms a union with lpVertices.


Points to a user-mode memory block containing vertex data when the D3DHALDP2_USERMEMVERTICES flag is set in dwFlags.


Specifies the number of bytes into the surface pointed to by lpDDVertex or lpVertices where the vertex data starts.


Specifies the number of vertices for which valid data exists in the surface pointed to by lpDDVertex or lpVertices. This valid data starts at dwVertexOffset.


Specifies the minimum number of bytes that the driver must allocate for the swap vertex buffer. This member is valid only when the D3DHALDP2_REQVERTEXBUFSIZE flag is set. Drivers that do not support multibuffering of vertex buffers should ignore this member.


Specifies the minimum number of bytes that the driver must increase the swap command buffer by. This member is valid only when the D3DHALDP2_REQCOMMANDBUFSIZE flag is set. Drivers that do not support multibuffering of command buffers should ignore this member.


Points to a render state array that the driver should update when it parses render state commands from the command buffer. The driver should update this array only when the D3DHALDP2_EXECUTEBUFFER flag is set in dwFlags. The driver should use the D3DRENDERSTATETYPE enumerated types to update the appropriate element of the render state array.


Specifies the size of each vertex, in bytes. This member forms a union with ddrval.


Specifies the location where the driver writes the return value of D3dDrawPrimitives2. D3D_OK indicates success. Otherwise, the driver should return the appropriate D3DERR_Xxx error code. For more information, see Return Codes for Direct3D Driver Callbacks.

Value Meaning
D3D_OK The operation completed successfully.
D3DERR_COMMAND_UNPARSED The driver requires the Direct3D runtime to parse the execute buffer.


Each D3DHAL_DP2RESPONSEQUERY is followed by the following data related to the query:



Note that the dwVertexOffset member specifies values in bytes; the dwVertexLength member specifies values in vertices.

To calculate the valid data, in bytes, that exists in the surface at lpDDVertex or lpVertices, multiply the value in dwVertexLength by the value in dwVertexSize.


Requirement Value
Header d3dhal.h (include D3dhal.h)

See also


