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PFND3D11_1DDI_CLEARVIEW callback function (d3d10umddi.h)

PFND3D11_1DDI_CLEARVIEW sets all the elements in a resource view to one value. A resource view is a surface descriptor that indicates a format and possibly a subset of the resource.


PFND3D11_1DDI_CLEARVIEW Pfnd3d111DdiClearview;

void Pfnd3d111DdiClearview(
  D3D10DDI_HDEVICE hDevice,
  VOID *hView,
  const FLOAT Color[4],
  const D3D10_DDI_RECT *pRect,
  UINT NumRects



A handle to the display device (graphics context).


A value of type D3D11DDI_HANDLETYPE that identifies the view handle type that supports this clear operation. Possible types are the following.

  • Any D3D11_1DDI_HT_VIDEOXXX type


A pointer to the resource view to clear.



An array of RECT structures for the rectangles in the resource view to clear. If NULL, ClearView clears the entire surface.


The number of rectangles in the array that the pRect parameter specifies.

Return value



ClearView works only on render-target views (RTVs), unordered-access views (UAVs), or any video view of a Texture2D surface. Empty rectangles in the pRect array are a no-op. A rectangle is empty if the top value equals the bottom value or the left value equals the right value.

ClearView does not support 3-D textures.

ClearView applies the same color value to all array slices in a view; all rectangles in the pRect array correspond to each array slice. The pRect array of rectangles is a set of areas to clear on a single surface. If the view is an array, ClearView clears all the rectangles on each array slice individually.

When the user-mode driver applies rectangles to buffers, it should set the top value to 0 and the bottom value to 1 and set the left value and right value to describe the extent within the buffer. When the top value equals the bottom value or the left value equals the right value, the rectangle is empty and a no-op is achieved.

The driver should convert and clamp color values to the destination format as appropriate per Direct3D conversion rules. For example, if the format of the view is DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM, clamp inputs to 0.0f to 1.0f (+INF -> 1.0f (0XFF)/NaN -> 0.0f).

If the format is integer, such as DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UINT, take inputs as integral floats. Therefore, 235.0f maps to 235 (rounds to zero, out of range/INF values clamp to target range, and NaN to zero).

Here are the color mappings:

  • Color[0]: R (or Y for video)
  • Color[1]: G (or U/Cb for video)
  • Color[2]: B (or V/Cr for video)
  • Color[3]: A

For video views with YUV or YCbBr formats, ClearView does not convert color values. In situations where the format name does not indicate _UNORM, _UINT, and so on, ClearView assumes _UINT. Therefore, 235.0f maps to 235 (rounds to zero, out of range/INF values clamp to target range, and NaN to zero).

For Microsoft Direct3D views of the subsampled RTV or UAV video surfaces, note that the dimensions of the view are based on how many pixels are in the view format rather than the underlying logical number of video pixels. For example suppose the surface has format YUY2 with dimension 1920 by 1080 pixels and an RTV uses the format DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UINT. The view appears to Direct3D as having 1920/2 = 960 R8G8B8A8 pixels in the horizontal direction. So any rectangles passed into ClearView are interpreted in this space. Furthermore, the clear value is taken for all 4 components, R8G8B8A8, as if it is no different from a true R8G8B8A8 surface. In this case, R, G, B, and A do not mean standard RGBA color values; instead, they identify a location in memory, and the caller is responsible for understanding what it means to put data into that location in the context of a video surface.

However, video views of a video surface (such as views provided to the CreateVideoDecoderOutputView function and other XxxInputView and XxxOutputView functions) appear at the full logical dimensions. In this case, the horizontal dimension is 1920 pixels wide, so RECT structures passed into ClearView honor that. Such RECTs must be aligned so they do not straddle subsampled blocks, otherwise the runtime will drop the call to this function. For video views, YUV colors must be appropriately replicated for subsampled formats. For example, YUV in the ClearView call has the Y value duplicated for each block in a YUY2 surface.

The D3D10_DDI_RECT structure is defined as a RECT structure.

typedef RECT D3D10_DDI_RECT;


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 8
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2012
Target Platform Desktop
Header d3d10umddi.h (include D3d10umddi.h)

See also
