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The KSPROPERTY_AUDIO_WIDENESS property specifies the wideness (apparent width) of the stereo image.

Usage Summary Table

Get Set Target Property descriptor type Property value type






The property value (operation data) is of type ULONG and specifies the wideness. Wideness is expressed as an unsigned, fixed-point value with a 16-bit fraction. Wideness values follow a linear range from zero to 0xFFFFFFFF:

  • The value 0x00010000 represents unity (100 percent), which indicates that the width of the stereo image should coincide with the region that is framed by the left and right speakers.

  • For a value greater than unity, the stereo image should appear to extend outside the region that is framed by the left and right speakers.

  • For a value less than unity, the perceived width of the stereo image should be smaller than the space between the left and right speakers.

  • A value of zero indicates that the sound should appear to originate from a position midway between the left and right speakers.

The apparent width of the stereo image should increase linearly with linear increases in the wideness value.

Return Value

A KSPROPERTY_AUDIO_WIDENESS property request returns STATUS_SUCCESS to indicate that it has completed successfully. Otherwise, the request returns an appropriate error status code.


This is a property of a wideness node (KSNODETYPE_STEREO_WIDE). A wideness node can add spaciousness to an existing stereo (two-channel) stream. To achieve this effect, the node processes the stream to make some sounds appear to originate from positions outside the region that is framed by the left and right speakers.



Ksmedia.h (include Ksmedia.h)

See also