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Find in Files Command

Search files using a subset of the options available on the Find in Files tab of the Find and Replace window.


Support for this command was removed in version 16.5 of Visual Studio 2019, and restored in version 17.12 of Visual Studio 2022. If you use this command with versions 16.5-17.11, you might see an error message that says, Command "Edit.FindinFiles" does not accept arguments or switches. Some options have been changed in Visual Studio 2022.


Edit.FindinFiles findwhat [/append] [/case] [/ext:extensions]
[/lookin:searchpath] [/options] [/reset] [/stop] [/sub]
[/regex] [/word]


Required. The text to match.


/append (new in Visual Studio 2022)
Optional. Directs the results from the current search to be appended to previous search results.

/case or /c
Optional. Matches occur only if the uppercase and lowercase characters exactly match those specified in the findwhat argument.

/ext: extensions
Optional. Specifies the file extensions for the files to be searched. If not specified, the previous extension is used if one was previously entered.

/lookin: searchpath
Optional. Directory to search. If the path contains spaces, enclose the entire path in quotation marks.

/names or /n\ (not supported in Visual Studio 2022) Optional. Displays a list of file names that contain matches.

/options or /t
Optional. Displays a list of the current find option settings and does not perform a search.

/regex or /r
Optional. Uses pre-defined special characters in the findwhat argument as notations that represent patterns of text rather than the literal characters. For a complete list of regular expression characters, see Regular Expressions.

/reset or /e
Optional. Returns the find options to their default settings and does not perform a search.

Optional. Halts the current search operation if one is in progress. Search ignores all other arguments when /stop has been specified. For example, to stop the current search you would enter the following:

>Edit.FindinFiles /stop

/sub or /s
Optional. Searches the subfolders within the directory specified in the /lookin:searchpath argument.

/text2 or /2\ (not supported in Visual Studio 2022) Optional. Displays the results of the search in the Find Results 2 window.

/wild or /l\ (not supported in Visual Studio 2022) Optional. Uses pre-defined special characters in the findwhat argument as notations to represent a character or sequence of characters.

/word or /w
Optional. Searches only for whole words.


This example searches for btnCancel in all .cls files located in the folder "My Visual Studio Projects" and displays the match information in the Find Results 2 Window.

>Edit.FindinFiles btnCancel /lookin:"c:/My Visual Studio Projects" /ext:*.cls /text2

See also