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This interface represents a module—that is, an executable unit of a program—such as a DLL.


IDebugModule2 : IUnknown

Notes for Implementers

The debug engine (DE) implements this interface to represent a module and to provide access to information about that module.

Notes for Callers

A call to GetModule returns this interface. The DE sends the IDebugModuleLoadEvent2 interface to the session debug manager (SDM) using the Event method.

This interface can also be returned in a FRAMEINFO structure (which is returned by a call to EnumFrameInfo).

Methods in Vtable Order

The following table shows the methods of IDebugModule2.

Method Description
GetInfo Gets the MODULE_INFO that describes this module.
ReloadSymbols_Deprecated OBSOLETE. DO NOT USE. Reloads the symbols for this module.


Module information can be displayed in the Modules window of the IDE.


Header: msdbg.h

Namespace: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Interop

Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Interop.dll

See also