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Describes additional properties of a symbol instance relating to coroutines.


IDiaSymbol8 : IDiaSymbol7


The following table shows the methods of IDiaSymbol8.


Symbols will return meaningful data for only some of these methods, depending on the type of symbol. If a method returns S_OK, then that method has returned meaningful data.

Method Description
IDiaSymbol8::get_coroutineKind Retrieves the coroutine function kind.
IDiaSymbol8::get_associatedSymbolKind Retrieves the associated symbol kind.
IDiaSymbol8::get_associatedSymbolSection Retrieves the section component of the address of the associated symbol.
IDiaSymbol8::get_associatedSymbolOffset Retrieves the offset component of the address of the associated symbol.
IDiaSymbol8::get_associatedSymbolRva Retrieves the relative virtual address (RVA) of the associated symbol.
IDiaSymbol8::get_associatedSymbolAddr Retrieves the virtual address (VA) of the associated symbol.


Notes for Callers

Obtain this interface by first getting an IDiaSymbol instance and then calling IUnknown::QueryInterface to do a dynamic downcast.


Header: Dia2.h

Library: diaguids.lib

DLL: msdia140.dll

See also