
Del via


Retrieves the addresses and lengths of discontiguous fragments for the function at the specified relative virtual address (RVA).


HRESULT getFunctionFragments_RVA(
    DWORD rvaFunc,
    DWORD cbFunc,
    DWORD cFragments,
    DWORD *pRvaFragment,
    DWORD *pLenFragment



[in] The relative virtual address of the function.


[in] The total size in bytes of the function (that is, the length of the function).


[in] The count of elements allocated for pRvaFragment and pLenFragment.


[out] Array buffer to receive the relative virtual addresses of each fragment. This must be at least cFragments long.


[out] Array buffer to receive the length, in bytes, of each fragment. This must be at least cFragments long.

Return Value

If successful, returns S_OK; otherwise, returns an error code.


This shows how to retrieve the address and length of a function via IDiaSymbol, then the number of fragments, retrieve the set of function fragments and then print them as a list of start and end addresses.

HRESULT PrintFunctionFragments(CComPtr<IDiaSymbol> pFunc) {
   DWORD rvaStart = 0;
   ULONGLONG cbFunc = 0;

   HRESULT hr = pFunc->get_relativeVirtualAddress(&rvaStart);
   if (FAILED(hr)) {
       return hr;
   hr = pFunc->get_length(&cbFunc);
   if (FAILED(hr)) {
       return hr;

   DWORD cFragments = 0;

   hr = pSession->getNumberOfFunctionFragments_RVA(rvaStart, (DWORD) cbFunc, &cFragments);
   if (FAILED(hr)) {
       return hr;

   DWORD * rgRVA = new (std::nothrow) DWORD[cFragments];
   if (rgRVA == nullptr) {
       return E_OUTOFMEMORY;

   DWORD * rgLen = new (std::nothrow) DWORD[cFragments];
   if (rgLen == nullptr) {
       delete[] rgRVA;
       return E_OUTOFMEMORY;

   hr = pSession->getFunctionFragments_RVA(rvaStart, (DWORD) cbFunc, cFragments, rgRVA, rgLen);
   if (FAILED(hr)) {
       delete[] rgRVA;
       delete[] rgLen;
       return hr;

   for (DWORD i = 0; i < cFragments; i++) {
       printf("  %08X -- %08X\n", rgRVA[i], rgRVA[i] + rgLen[i] - 1);

   delete [] rgRVA;
   delete [] rgLen;

   return S_OK;

See also