
Del via


Specifies the calling convention for a function.


Only the most common enumeration values are documented here. The complete enumeration is available in the cvconst.h header file.


typedef enum CV_call_e {
    CV_CALL_NEAR_C    = 0x00,
    CV_CALL_NEAR_FAST = 0x04,
    CV_CALL_NEAR_STD  = 0x07,
    CV_CALL_NEAR_SYS  = 0x09,
    CV_CALL_THISCALL  = 0x0b,
    CV_CALL_CLRCALL   = 0x16
} CV_call_e;


Element Description
CV_CALL_NEAR_C Specifies a function-calling convention using a near right-to-left push.
The calling function clears the stack.
CV_CALL_NEAR_FAST Specifies a function-calling convention using a near left-to-right push with registers.
The called function uses the sum of parameter bytes to clear the stack.
CV_CALL_NEAR_STD Specifies a function-calling convention using a near standard call
(right-to-left push).
CV_CALL_NEAR_SYS Specifies a function-calling convention using a near system call.
CV_CALL_THISCALL Specifies a function-calling convention using this call
(this pointer passed in register).
CV_CALL_CLRCALL Specifies a function-calling convention used by the Common Language Runtime (CLR)
(also known as a managed code calling convention).


The values in this enumeration are returned by a call to the IDiaSymbol::get_callingConvention method.


Header: cvconst.h

See also