
Del via

fn_syscollector_get_execution_details (Transact-SQL)

Applies to: SQL Server

Returns a portion of the SSIS log (sysssislog) matching the package_execution_id for the given package. The table contains one row for each logging entry that is generated at run time by packages or their tasks and containers.

Transact-SQL syntax conventions


fn_syscollector_get_execution_details ( log_id )  


The local unique identifier for the execution log. log_id is int.

Table Returned

Column name Data type Description
id int The unique identifier of the logging entry.
event sysname The name of the event that generated the logging entry.
computer nvarchar The computer on which the package ran when the logging entry was generated.
operator nvarchar The user name of the person or agent that ran the package that generated the logging entry.
source nvarchar The name of the executable that generated the logging entry.
sourceid uniqueidentifier The GUID of the executable that generated the logging entry.
executionid uniqueidentifier The GUID of the execution instance of the executable that generated the logging entry.
starttime datetime The time that the package began to run.
endtime datetime The time that the package completed.
datacode int An integer value that identifies the event associated with the log entry. "0" indicates that the event provided no identifier.
databytes image A byte array that identifies a return value.
message nvarchar A description of the event and the information associated with the event.


Requires SELECT permission for dc_operator.

See Also

Enable Package Logging in SQL Server Data Tools
Data Collection