Get Information About Event Notifications
Applies to:
SQL Server
The following catalog views are available to query metadata about event notifications.
To get information about nonserver-level event notifications
To view metadata about any event notification in sys.event_notifications created at the database level, at the minimum you must have the following: CONTROL, ALTER, TAKE OWNERSHIP, or VIEW DEFINITION permission on the database, be the owner of the event notification, or have ALTER ANY DATABASE EVENT NOTIFICATION permission. For event notifications created on a specific queue, at the minimum you must have the following: CONTROL, ALTER, TAKE OWNERSHIP, or VIEW DEFINITION permission on the object, be the owner of the event notification, or have ALTER ANY DATABASE EVENT NOTIFICATION permission.
To get information about server-level event notifications
At the minimum, you must have the following: CONTROL or VIEW ANY DEFINITION permission on the server, be the logon or owner of the event notification, or have ALTER ANY EVENT NOTIFICATION permission to view metadata about any event notification in sys.server_event_notifications.
To get information about all events that can fire event notifications
This catalog view does not return event groups.