Applies to:
SQL Server
Azure SQL Database
Azure SQL Managed Instance
Attribute | Value |
Product Name | SQL Server |
Event ID | 1101 |
Event Source | MSSQLSERVER |
Component | SQLEngine |
Symbolic Name | NOALLOCPG |
Message Text | Could not allocate a new page for database '%.*ls' because the '%.*ls' filegroup is full due to lack of storage space or database files reaching the maximum allowed size. Note that UNLIMITED files are still limited to 16TB. Create the necessary space by dropping objects in the filegroup, adding additional files to the filegroup, or setting autogrowth on for existing files in the filegroup. |
No disk space available in a filegroup.
User Action
The following actions may make space available in the filegroup.
Add more files to the file group.
Free up disk space by dropping unnecessary indexes or tables in the filegroup.
This T-SQL script can help you diagnose which files are full and offer a solution command to resolve the issue. Note that it does not diagnose disk space issues.
set nocount on
declare @prcnt_full int = 95
SELECT db_name(database_id) DbName,
name LogName,
type_desc ,
convert(bigint, SIZE)/128 File_Size_MB ,
convert(bigint,(case when max_size = -1 then 17179869176 else max_size end))/128 File_MaxSize_MB ,
(size/(case when max_size = -1 then 17179869176 else max_size end)) *100 as percent_full_of_max_size
FROM sys.master_files
WHERE file_id != 2
AND (size/(case when max_size = -1 then 17179869176 else max_size end)) *100 > @prcnt_full
if @@ROWCOUNT > 0
DECLARE @db_name_max_size sysname, @log_name_max_size sysname, @configured_max_log_boundary bigint
DECLARE reached_max_size CURSOR FOR
SELECT db_name(database_id) DbName,
name LogName,
convert(bigint, SIZE)/128 File_Size_MB
FROM sys.master_files
WHERE file_id != 2
AND (size/(case when max_size = -1 then 17179869176 else max_size end)) *100 > @prcnt_full
OPEN reached_max_size
FETCH NEXT FROM reached_max_size into @db_name_max_size , @log_name_max_size, @configured_max_log_boundary
SELECT 'The database "' + @db_name_max_size+'" contains a data file "' + @log_name_max_size + '" whose max limit is set to ' + convert(varchar(24), @configured_max_log_boundary) + ' MB and this limit is close to be reached!' as Finding
SELECT 'Consider using one of the below ALTER DATABASE commands to either change the log file size or add a new file' as Recommendation
SELECT 'ALTER DATABASE ' + @db_name_max_size + ' MODIFY FILE ( NAME = N''' + @log_name_max_size + ''', MAXSIZE = UNLIMITED)' as SetUnlimitedSize
SELECT 'ALTER DATABASE ' + @db_name_max_size + ' MODIFY FILE ( NAME = N''' + @log_name_max_size + ''', MAXSIZE = something_larger_than_' + CONVERT(varchar(24), @configured_max_log_boundary) +'MB )' as IncreaseFileSize
SELECT 'ALTER DATABASE ' + @db_name_max_size + ' ADD FILE ( NAME = N''' + @log_name_max_size + '_new'', FILENAME = N''SOME_FOLDER_LOCATION\' + @log_name_max_size + '_NEW.NDF'', SIZE = 81920KB , FILEGROWTH = 65536KB )' as AddNewFile
FETCH NEXT FROM reached_max_size into @db_name_max_size , @log_name_max_size, @configured_max_log_boundary
CLOSE reached_max_size
DEALLOCATE reached_max_size
SELECT 'Found no files that have reached max log file size' as Findings