catalog.worker_agents (SSISDB Database)
Applies to:
SQL Server
SSIS Integration Runtime in Azure Data Factory
Displays the information for the Integration Services Scale Out Worker.
Column name | Data type | Description |
WorkerAgentId | uniqueidentifier | The worker agent ID of Scale Out Worker. |
IsEnabled | bit | Whether the Scale Out Worker is enabled. |
DisplayName | nvarchar(256) | The display name of Scale Out Worker. |
Description | nvarchar(256) | The description of Scale Out Worker. |
MachineName | nvarchar(256) | The machine name for Scale Out Worker. |
Tags | nvarchar(max) | The tags of Scale Out Worker. |
UserAccount | nvarchar(256) | The user account running the Scale Out Worker service. |
LastOnlineTime | datetimeoffset(7) | The last time that the Scale Out Worker is online. |
This view displays a row for each Scale Out Worker connecting to the Scale Out Master working with the SSISDB catalog.
This view requires one of the following permissions:
Membership to the ssis_admin database role
Membership to the ssis_cluster_executor database role
Membership to the sysadmin server role