Integration Services (SSIS) Scale Out
Applies to:
SQL Server
SSIS Integration Runtime in Azure Data Factory
SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) Scale Out provides high-performance execution of SSIS packages by distributing package executions across multiple computers. After you set up Scale Out, you can run multiple package executions in parallel, in scale-out mode, from SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).
SSIS Scale Out consists of an SSIS Scale Out Master and one or more SSIS Scale Out Workers.
The Scale Out Master is responsible for Scale Out management and receives package execution requests from users. For more info, see Scale Out Master.
The Scale Out Workers pull execution tasks from the Scale Out Master and run the packages. For more info, see Scale Out Worker.
Configuration options
You can set up Scale Out in the following configurations:
On a single computer, where a Scale Out Master and a Scale Out Worker run side by side on the same computer.
On multiple computers, where each Scale Out Worker is on a different computer.
What you can do
After you set up Scale Out, you can do the following things:
Run multiple packages deployed to the SSISDB catalog in parallel. For more info, see Run packages in Scale Out.
Manage the Scale Out topology in the Scale Out Manager app. For more info, see Integration Services Scale Out Manager.