CDC Splitter
Applies to:
SQL Server
SSIS Integration Runtime in Azure Data Factory
CDC Flow Components, including CDC Control Task, CDC Source and CDC Splitter, are deprecated. For details, refer to the announcement.
The CDC splitter splits a single flow of change rows from a CDC source data flow into different data flows for Insert, Update and Delete operations. The data flow is split based on the required column __$operation
and its standard values in SQL Server change tables.
Value of Operation | Output | Description |
1 | Delete | Deleted Row |
2 | Insert | Inserted row (not available when using Net with Merge CDC mode) |
3 | Update | Before-update row (available only when using All with Old Values CDC mode) |
4 | Update | After-update row (follows the Before-update) |
5 | Update | Merge row (available only when using Net with Merge CDC mode) |
Other | Error |
You can use the splitter to connect to pre-defined INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE outputs for further processing.
The CDC Splitter transformation has one regular input and one error output.
Error Handling
The CDC Splitter transformation has an error output. Input rows with an invalid value of the $operation column are considered erroneous and are handled according to the ErrorRowDisposition property of the input.
The component error output includes the following output columns:
Error Code: Set to 1.
Error Column: The source column causing the error (for conversion errors).
Error Row Columns: The input columns of the row that caused the error.
Configuring the CDC Splitter
There are no configurable properties for the CDC splitter.
For more information about using the CDC splitter, see CDC Components for Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services.
The Advanced Editor dialog box contains the properties that can be set programmatically.
To open the Advanced Editor dialog box:
- In the Data Flow screen of your SQL Server 2019 Integration Services (SSIS) project, right-click the CDC splitter and select Show Advanced Editor.