
Del via

RangeMin (DMX)

Applies to: SQL Server Analysis Services

Returns the lower end of the predicted bucket that is discovered for a discretized column.


RangeMin(<scalar column reference>)  

Applies To

Scalar columns.

Return Type

A scalar value.


The RangeMin function can be used in SELECT DISTINCT FROM <model > (DMX) queries. When used with this type of query, the scalar column reference can contain continuous or discrete columns that are either predictable or input.

When used with SELECT FROM <model> PREDICTION JOIN (DMX), the RangeMin, RangeMid, and RangeMax functions return the actual boundary values of the specified bucket. For example, if you perform a prediction on a discretized column, the query returns the predicted bucket number in the discretized column. The RangeMin, RangeMid, and RangeMax functions describe the bucket that the prediction specifies. When the RangeMin function is used with a PREDICTION JOIN statement, the scalar column reference can only contain discrete, predictable columns.


The following example returns the minimum, maximum, and average values for the Yearly Income continuous column in the Decision Tree mining model.

    RangeMin([Yearly Income]) AS [Bucket Minimum],  
    RangeMid([Yearly Income]) AS [Bucket Average],   
    RangeMax([Yearly Income]) AS [Bucket Maximum]  
FROM [TM Decision Tree]  

See Also

Data Mining Extensions (DMX) Function Reference
Functions (DMX)
General Prediction Functions (DMX)
RangeMax (DMX)
RangeMid (DMX)