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Configurable retry logic core APIs in SqlClient

Applies to: .NET Framework .NET .NET Standard

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If the built-in retry logic providers don't cover your needs, you can create your own custom providers. You can then assign those providers to a SqlConnection or SqlCommand object to apply your custom logic.

The built-in providers are designed around three interfaces that can be used to implement custom providers. Custom retry providers can then be used in the same way as internal retry providers on a SqlConnection or SqlCommand:

  1. SqlRetryIntervalBaseEnumerator: Generates a sequence of time intervals.
  2. SqlRetryLogicBase: Retrieves the next time interval for a given enumerator, if the number of retries has not been exceeded and a transient condition is met.
  3. SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider: Applies retry logic to connection and command operations.


By implementing a custom retry logic provider, you're in charge of all aspects, including concurrency, performance, and exception management.


The implementation in this sample is as simple as possible to demonstrate step-by-step customization. It doesn't include advanced practices like thread safety, async, and concurrency. For a deep-dive into a real implementation, you can study the pre-defined retry logic in the Microsoft.Data.SqlClient GitHub repository.

  1. Define custom configurable retry logic classes:

    • Enumerator: Define a fixed sequence of time intervals and extend the acceptable range of times from two minutes to four minutes.
    public class CustomEnumerator : SqlRetryIntervalBaseEnumerator
        // Set the maximum acceptable time to 4 minutes
        private readonly TimeSpan _maxValue = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(4);
        public CustomEnumerator(TimeSpan timeInterval, TimeSpan maxTime, TimeSpan minTime)
            : base(timeInterval, maxTime, minTime) {}
        // Return fixed time on each request
        protected override TimeSpan GetNextInterval()
            return GapTimeInterval;
        // Override the validate method with the new time range validation
        protected override void Validate(TimeSpan timeInterval, TimeSpan maxTimeInterval, TimeSpan minTimeInterval)
            if (minTimeInterval < TimeSpan.Zero || minTimeInterval > _maxValue)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(minTimeInterval));
            if (maxTimeInterval < TimeSpan.Zero || maxTimeInterval > _maxValue)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(maxTimeInterval));
            if (timeInterval < TimeSpan.Zero || timeInterval > _maxValue)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(timeInterval));
            if (maxTimeInterval < minTimeInterval)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(minTimeInterval));
    • Retry logic: Implement retry logic on any command that isn't part of an active transaction. Lower the number of retries from 60 to 20.
    public class CustomRetryLogic : SqlRetryLogicBase
        // Maximum number of attempts
        private const int maxAttempts = 20;
        public CustomRetryLogic(int numberOfTries,
                                 SqlRetryIntervalBaseEnumerator enumerator,
                                 Predicate<Exception> transientPredicate)
            if (!(numberOfTries > 0 && numberOfTries <= maxAttempts))
                // 'numberOfTries' should be between 1 and 20.
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(numberOfTries));
            // Assign parameters to the relevant properties
            NumberOfTries = numberOfTries;
            RetryIntervalEnumerator = enumerator;
            TransientPredicate = transientPredicate;
            Current = 0;
        // Prepare this object for the next round
        public override void Reset()
            Current = 0;
        public override bool TryNextInterval(out TimeSpan intervalTime)
            intervalTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
            // First try has occurred before starting the retry process. 
            // Check if retry is still allowed
            bool result = Current < NumberOfTries - 1;
            if (result)
                // Increase the number of attempts
                // It's okay if the RetryIntervalEnumerator gets to the last value before we've reached our maximum number of attempts.
                // MoveNext() will simply leave the enumerator on the final interval value and we will repeat that for the final attempts.
                // Receive the current time from enumerator
                intervalTime = RetryIntervalEnumerator.Current;
            return result;
    • Provider: Implements a retry provider that retries on synchronous operations without a Retrying event. Adds TimeoutException to the existing SqlException transient exception error numbers.
    public class CustomProvider : SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider
        // Preserve the given retryLogic on creation
        public CustomProvider(SqlRetryLogicBase retryLogic)
            RetryLogic = retryLogic;
        public override TResult Execute<TResult>(object sender, Func<TResult> function)
            // Create a list to save transient exceptions to report later if necessary
            IList<Exception> exceptions = new List<Exception>();
            // Prepare it before reusing
            // Create an infinite loop to attempt the defined maximum number of tries
                    // Try to invoke the function
                    return function.Invoke();
                // Catch any type of exception for further investigation
                catch (Exception e)
                    // Ask the RetryLogic object if this exception is a transient error
                    if (RetryLogic.TransientPredicate(e))
                        // Add the exception to the list of exceptions we've retried on
                        // Ask the RetryLogic for the next delay time before the next attempt to run the function
                        if (RetryLogic.TryNextInterval(out TimeSpan gapTime))
                            Console.WriteLine($"Wait for {gapTime} before next try");
                            // Wait before next attempt
                            // Number of attempts has exceeded the maximum number of tries
                            throw new AggregateException("The number of retries has exceeded the maximum number of attempts.", exceptions);
                        // If the exception wasn't a transient failure throw the original exception
            } while (true);
        public override Task<TResult> ExecuteAsync<TResult>(object sender, Func<Task<TResult>> function, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            throw new NotImplementedException();
        public override Task ExecuteAsync(object sender, Func<Task> function, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            throw new NotImplementedException();
  2. Create a retry provider instance consisting of the defined custom types:

    public static SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider CreateCustomProvider(SqlRetryLogicOption options)
        // 1. create an enumerator instance
        CustomEnumerator customEnumerator = new CustomEnumerator(options.DeltaTime, options.MaxTimeInterval, options.MinTimeInterval);
        // 2. Use the enumerator object to create a new RetryLogic instance
        CustomRetryLogic customRetryLogic = new CustomRetryLogic(5, customEnumerator, (e) => TransientErrorsCondition(e, options.TransientErrors));
        // 3. Create a provider using the RetryLogic object
        CustomProvider customProvider = new CustomProvider(customRetryLogic);
        return customProvider;
    • The following function will evaluate an exception by using the given list of retryable exceptions and the special TimeoutException exception to determine if it's retryable:
    // Return true if the exception is a transient fault.
    private static bool TransientErrorsCondition(Exception e, IEnumerable<int> retriableConditions)
        bool result = false;
        // Assess only SqlExceptions
        if (retriableConditions != null && e is SqlException ex)
            foreach (SqlError item in ex.Errors)
                // Check each error number to see if it is a retriable error number
                if (retriableConditions.Contains(item.Number))
                    result = true;
        // Other types of exceptions can also be assessed
        else if (e is TimeoutException)
            result = true;
        return result;
  3. Use the customized retry logic:

    • Define the retry logic parameters:
    // Define the retry logic parameters
    var options = new SqlRetryLogicOption()
        // Tries 5 times before throwing an exception
        NumberOfTries = 5,
        // Preferred gap time to delay before retry
        DeltaTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1),
        // Maximum gap time for each delay time before retry
        MaxTimeInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20),
        // SqlException retriable error numbers
        TransientErrors = new int[] { 4060, 1024, 1025}
    • Create a custom retry provider:
    // Create a custom retry logic provider
    SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider provider = CustomRetry.CreateCustomProvider(options);
    // Assumes that connection is a valid SqlConnection object 
    // Set the retry logic provider on the connection instance
    connection.RetryLogicProvider = provider;
    // Establishing the connection will trigger retry if one of the given transient failure occurs.


Don't forget to enable the configurable retry logic switch before using it. For more information, see Enable configurable retry logic.

See also