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Storage Analytics log format

Storage Analytics logging records details for both successful and failed requests for your storage account. Storage Analytics logs enable you to review details of read, write, and delete operations against your Azure tables, queues, and blobs. They also enable you to investigate the reasons for failed requests such as timeouts, throttling, and authorization errors.

Each log entry conforms to a standard log format that is governed by the version of Storage Analytics logging in use. Version 1.0 includes all of the fields described in Log entry format 1.0. Version 2.0 adds fields for logging information about requests to the Blob and Queue services that are authorized with an OAuth 2.0 token. These additional fields are described in Log entry format 2.0.

The first field in a log entry always specifies the version number. Consumers of logging data can take a dependency on this field as well as the following aspects of a log entry:

  • All fields, populated or empty, will be separated by a semicolon ";"

  • Each log entry is separated by a newline character "\n"

  • The last field in the entry will not end with a semicolon ";"

Always check the version before processing a log entry.


Any field that may contain a quote ("), a semicolon (;), or a newline (\n) is HTML encoded and quoted.

Set logging version

To set the logging version, call the appropriate operation for the service:

Log entry format 1.0

Each version 1.0 log entry adheres to the following format:


Log entry fields for version 1.0

The following table lists and defines the fields in a version 1.0 log entry.

Field Name Field Type Definition Example
<version-number> string The version of Storage Analytics logging used to record the entry. 1.0
<request-start-time> timestamp The time in UTC when the request was received by Storage Analytics. 2011-08-09T21:44:36.2481552Z
<operation-type> string The type of REST operation performed. See the Storage Analytics Logged Operations and Status Messages topic for a list of possible operations. GetBlob
<request-status> string The status of the requested operation. See the Storage Analytics Logged Operations and Status Messages topic for a list of possible status messages. In version 2017-04-17 and later, ClientOtherError is not used. Instead, this field contains the error code. Success
<http-status-code> string The HTTP status code for the request. If the request is interrupted, this value may be set to Unknown. 200
<end-to-end-latency-in-ms> duration The total time in milliseconds to perform the requested operation, including the time to read the incoming request and send the response to the requester. 39
<server-latency-in-ms> duration The total time in milliseconds to perform the requested operation. This value does not include network latency (the time to read the incoming request and send the response to the requester). 22
<authentication-type> string Indicates whether the request was authorized, anonymous, or used Shared Access Signature (SAS). authenticated
<requester-account-name> string Same as storage account name, if the request is authorized. This field will be empty for anonymous and SAS requests. myaccount
<owner-account-name> string The account name of the service owner. myaccount
<service-type> string The requested storage service: blob, table, or queue. blob
<request-url> string The complete URL of the request, in quotes. ""
<requested-object-key> string The key of the requested object, in quotes. This field will always use the account name, even if a custom domain name has been configured. "/myaccount/mycontainer/2025c44c-d25e-42bf-8507-7a5ca4faa034"
<request-id-header> guid The request ID assigned by the storage service. This is equivalent to the value of the x-ms-request-id header. 668a4744-7eb3-4e8f-b8d3-fbfd3829715b
<operation-count> int The number of each logged operation for a request, using an index of zero. Some requests require more than one operation, such as Copy Blob, though most perform just one operation. 0
<requester-ip-address> string The IP address of the requester, including the port number.
<request-version-header> string The storage service version specified when the request was made. This is equivalent to the value of the x-ms-version header. 2009-09-19
<request-header-size> long The size of the request header, in bytes. If a request is unsuccessful, this value may be empty. 280
<request-packet-size> long The size of the request packets read by the storage service, in bytes. If a request is unsuccessful, this value may be empty. 0
<response-header-size> long The size of the response header, in bytes. If a request is unsuccessful, this value may be empty. 216
<response-packet-size> long The size of the response packets written by the storage service, in bytes. If a request is unsuccessful, this value may be empty. 0
<request-content-length> long The value of the Content-Length header for the request sent to the storage service. If the request was successful, this value is equal to <request-packet-size>. If a request is unsuccessful, this value may not be equal to <request-packet-size>, or it may be empty. 0
<request-md5> string The value of either the Content-MD5 header or the x-ms-content-md5 header in the request, in quotes. The MD5 hash value specified in this field represents the content in the request. This field can be empty. "788815fd0198be0d275ad329cafd1830"
<server-md5> string The value of the MD5 hash calculated by the storage service, in quotes. This field can be empty. "3228b3cf1069a5489b298446321f8521"
<etag-identifier> string The ETag identifier for the returned object, in quotes. "0x8D101F7E4B662C4"
<last-modified-time> datetime The Last Modified Time (LMT) for the returned object, in quotes. This field is empty for operations that can return multiple objects. Tuesday, 09-Aug-11 21:13:26 GMT
<conditions-used> string A semicolon-separated list in the form of ConditionName=value, in quotes. ConditionName can be one of the following conditions:

- If-Modified-Since
- If-Unmodified-Since
- If-Match
- If-None-Match
"If-Modified-Since=Friday, 05-Aug-11 19:11:54 GMT"
<user-agent-header> string The User-Agent header value, in quotes. "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)"
<referrer-header> string The Referer header value, in quotes. ""
<client-request-id> string The x-ms-client-request-id header value included in the request, in quotes. "8/9/2011 9:44:36 PM 45ef1c0f-8c71-4153-bc88-38589f63fbfc"

Sample log entries for version 1.0

Get Blob

The following sample log entry applies to an anonymous GetBlob request:

1.0;2014-06-19T22:59:23.1967767Z;GetBlob;AnonymousSuccess;200;17;16;anonymous;;storagesample;blob;"";"/storagesample/sample-container1/00001.txt";61d2e3f6-bcb7-4cd1-a81e-4f8f497f0da2;0;;2014-02-14;283;0;354;23;0;;;""0x8D15A2913C934DE"";Thursday, 19-Jun-14 22:58:10 GMT;;"WA-Storage/4.0.1 (.NET CLR 4.0.30319.34014; Win32NT 6.3.9600.0)";;"44dfd78e-7288-4898-8f70-c3478983d3b6"

Put Blob

The following sample log entry applies to an authorized PutBlob request:

1.0;2014-06-19T01:33:54.0926521Z;PutBlob;Success;201;197;54;authenticated;storagesample;storagesample;blob;"";"/storagesample/sample-container1/00001.txt";a200be85-1c98-4dd9-918e-f13d8c0538e0;0;;2014-02-14;460;23;225;0;23;"DrPO6z1f00SCsomhaf+J/A==";"DrPO6z1f00SCsomhaf+J/A==";""0x8D15975AA456EA4"";Thursday, 19-Jun-14 01:33:53 GMT;;"WA-Storage/4.0.1 (.NET CLR 4.0.30319.34014; Win32NT 6.3.9600.0)";;"1fe6814a-e4cb-4195-a3cf-837dc7120f68"

Copy Blob

The following sample log entries apply to an authorized CopyBlob request. The Copy Blob operation will log 3 operations: CopyBlob, CopyBlobSource, and CopyBlobDestination. Note that the request ID property is identical for all three operations, but the operation ID is incremented for each operation.

Service Version 2012-02-12 and Newer

In version 2012-02-12 and newer, the <requested-object-key> is a URL, which replaces the /accountname/containername/blobname format used in versions before 2012-02-12.

The request ID and operation ID are in bold for each log entry below:

1.0;2014-06-19T23:31:36.5780954Z;CopyBlob;Success;202;13;13;authenticated;storagesample;storagesample;blob;"";"/storagesample/sample-container/Copy-sample-blob.txt";505fc366-688f-4622-bbb1-20e8fc26cffd;0;;2014-02-14;538;0;261;0;0;;;""0x8D15A2DBF11553E"";Thursday, 19-Jun-14 23:31:36 GMT;;"WA-Storage/4.0.1 (.NET CLR 4.0.30319.34014; Win32NT 6.3.9600.0)";;"dc00da87-5483-4524-b0dc-d1df025a6a9a"

1.0;2014-06-19T23:31:36.5780954Z;CopyBlobSource;Success;202;13;13;authenticated;storagesample;storagesample;blob;"";"";505fc366-688f-4622-bbb1-20e8fc26cffd;1;;2014-02-14;538;0;261;0;0;;;;;;"WA-Storage/4.0.1 (.NET CLR 4.0.30319.34014; Win32NT 6.3.9600.0)";;"dc00da87-5483-4524-b0dc-d1df025a6a9a"

1.0;2014-06-19T23:31:36.5780954Z;CopyBlobDestination;Success;202;13;13;authenticated;storagesample;storagesample;blob;"";"/storagesample/sample-container/Copy-sample-blob.txt";505fc366-688f-4622-bbb1-20e8fc26cffd;2;;2014-02-14;538;0;261;0;0;;;;;;"WA-Storage/4.0.1 (.NET CLR 4.0.30319.34014; Win32NT 6.3.9600.0)";;"dc00da87-5483-4524-b0dc-d1df025a6a9a"

Service Versions Prior to 2012-02-12

The request ID and operation ID are in bold for each log entry below:

1.0;2011-08-09T18:02:40.6526789Z;CopyBlob;Success;201;28;28;authenticated;account8ce1b67a9e80b35;myaccount;blob;"";"/myaccount/thumbnails/lakebck.jpg";85ba10a5-b7e2-495e-8033-588e08628c5d;0;;2009-09-19;505;0;188;0;0;;;"0x8CE1B67AD473BC5";Friday, 09-Aug-11 18:02:40 GMT;;;;"8/9/2011 6:02:40 PM 683803d3-538f-4ba8-bc7c-24c83aca5b1a"

1.0;2011-08-09T18:02:40.6526789Z;CopyBlobSource;Success;201;28;28;authenticated;myaccount;myaccount;blob;"";"/myaccount/thumbnails/lake.jpg";85ba10a5-b7e2-495e-8033-588e08628c5d;1;;2009-09-19;505;0;188;0;0;;;;;;;;"8/9/2011 6:02:40 PM 683803d3-538f-4ba8-bc7c-24c83aca5b1a"

1.0;2011-08-09T18:02:40.6526789Z;CopyBlobDestination;Success;201;28;28;authenticated;myaccount;myaccount;blob;"";"/myaccount/thumbnails/lakebck.jpg";85ba10a5-b7e2-495e-8033-588e08628c5d;2;;2009-09-19;505;0;188;0;0;;;;;;;;"8/9/2011 6:02:40 PM 683803d3-538f-4ba8-bc7c-24c83aca5b1a"

Log entry format 2.0

Storage Analytics log format version 2.0 adds fields to support logging information about requests authorized with an OAuth 2.0 token provided by Microsoft Entra ID. For more information, see Authenticate with Microsoft Entra ID.

Each version 2.0 log entry adheres to the following format:


Log entry fields for version 2.0

The following table lists and defines the additional fields written to a version 2.0 log entry. All version 1.0 fields are included in version 2.0 log entries.

Field Name Field Type Definition Example
UserObjectId string The object ID used for authentication. May be any security principal, including a user, managed identity, or service principal. 03124200-da00-4aa6-aa09-be77923d7870
TenantId string Tenant ID used in bearer authorization. 72f988bf-86f1-41af-91ab-2d7cd011db47
ApplicationId string Application ID used in bearer authorization. 2cd20493-fe97-42ef-9ace-ab95b63d82c4
Resource ID string Resource ID used in bearer authorization.
Issuer string Issuer used in bearer authorization.
UserPrincipalName string User principal name used in bearer authorization.
Reserved string Reserved for future use. Value is an empty string. N/A
AuthorizationDetail string Detailed policy information used to authorize the request. [{"action":"Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers/read", "roleAssignmentId":"/subscriptions/5451a164-d870-4626-a64c-c38d62da20da/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/6632a082-9b6a-486c-b296-f9d785d32800", "roleDefinitionId":"/subscriptions/5451a164-d870-4626-a64c-c38d62da20da/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/ba92f5b4-2d11-453d-a403-e96b0029c9fe", "principalId":"03124200-da00-4aa6-aa09-be77923d7870", "principalType":"ServicePrincipal"}]

Sample log entries for version 2.0

List Blobs

2.0;2019-02-25T20:06:55.9794046Z;ListBlobs;OAuthSuccess;200;250;46;bearer;storagesamples;storagesamples;blob;";comp=list&amp;prefix=&amp;delimiter=/&amp;marker=&amp;maxresults=30&amp;include=metadata&amp;_=1551125215793";"/storagesamples/sample-container";470b9e55-201e-0137-5c45-cdd293000000;0;;2018-03-28;2682;0;295;5184;0;;;;;;"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/64.0.3282.140 Safari/537.36 Edge/18.17763";"blob:";;"e5981635-dcf0-4279-ab7b-ca1cbdf4a5c7";"72f988bf-86f1-41af-91ab-2d7cd011db47";"691458b9-1327-4635-9f55-ed83a7f1b41c";"";"";;;"[{"action":"Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers/blobs/read", "roleAssignmentId":"ca8af92a-6708-4cdf-a678-bb55d0ff7b80", "roleDefinitionId":"ba92f5b4-2d11-453d-a403-e96b0029c9fe", "principalId":"e5981635-dcf0-4279-ab7b-ca1cbdf4a5c7", "principalType":"User"}]"

Put Block

2.0;2019-02-25T20:06:55.9089848Z;PutBlock;OAuthSuccess;201;95;95;bearer;storagesamples;storagesamples;blob;";blockid=YmxvY2stMDAwMDAwMDA=";"/storagesamples/sample-container/blob1.txt";5569fa10-e01e-00c0-2745-cdb22d000000;0;;2017-11-09;2581;9;365;0;9;;"tdzGO9AaJte/e2HJZLtXig==";;;;"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/64.0.3282.140 Safari/537.36 Edge/18.17763";"";"c808142e-0393-4942-9001-af4833061026";"e5981635-dcf0-4279-ab7b-ca1cbdf4a5c7";"72f988bf-86f1-41af-91ab-2d7cd011db47";"691458b9-1327-4635-9f55-ed83a7f1b41c";"";"";;;"[{"action":"Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers/blobs/write", "roleAssignmentId":"ca8af92a-6708-4cdf-a678-bb55d0ff7b80", "roleDefinitionId":"ba92f5b4-2d11-453d-a403-e96b0029c9fe", "principalId":"e5981635-dcf0-4279-ab7b-ca1cbdf4a5c7", "principalType":"User"}]"

See also

About Storage Analytics logging
Storage Analytics Logged Operations and Status Messages