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Query operators supported for the Table service

The Microsoft® .NET Client Library supports data service queries by using language-integrated queries (LINQ). The client library handles the details of mapping the LINQ statement to the appropriate URI for the Table service and of retrieving the specified resources as .NET objects.

LINQ Query Operators

The following tables note which LINQ query operators are supported for use with the Table service. For more information about LINQ query operators, see LINQ: .NET Language-Integrated Query.

Supported Query Operators

LINQ operator Table service support Additional information
From Supported as defined.
Where Supported as defined.
Take Supported, with some restrictions. The value specified for the Take operator must be less than or equal to 1,000. If it is greater than 1,000, the service returns status code 400 (Bad Request).

If the Take operator is not specified, a maximum of 1,000 entries will be returned.
First, FirstOrDefault Supported.
Select Supported for version 2011-08-18 and newer. Projection is supported. For more information, see Writing LINQ Queries Against the Table Service.

Unsupported Query Operators

LINQ operator Table service support Additional information
GroupBy Not Supported.
OrderBy, OrderByDescending Not Supported.
ThenBy, ThenByDescending Not Supported.
Average Not Supported.
Min Not Supported.
Max Not Supported.
Last, LastOrDefault Not Supported.

Count, LongCount
Not Supported.
Sum Not Supported.
TakeWhile Not Supported.
SkipWhile Not Supported.
Join, GroupJoin Not Supported.
Single Not Supported.
OfType Not Supported.
SelectMany Not Supported.
Concat Not Supported.
ElementAt, ElemenatAtOrDefault Not Supported.
Distinct Not Supported.
Except Not Supported.
Intersect Not Supported.
Union Not Supported.
All Not Supported.
Any Not Supported.
Contains Not Supported.
SequenceEqual Not Supported.
Empty, Range, Repeat Not Supported.
SingleOrDefault Not Supported.
Reverse Not Supported.

See Also

Table Service Concepts