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MonoTouch.Dialog Json Markup

This page describes the Json markup accepted by MonoTouch.Dialog's JsonElement

Let us start with an example. The following is a complete Json file that can be passed into JsonElement.

    "title": "Json Sample",
    "sections": [ 
            "header": "Booleans",
            "footer": "Slider or image-based",
            "id": "first-section",
            "elements": [
                    "type": "boolean",
                    "caption": "Demo of a Boolean",
                    "value": true
                }, {
                    "type": "boolean",
                    "caption": "Boolean using images",
                    "value": false,
                    "on": "favorite.png",
                    "off": "~/favorited.png"
                }, {
                    "type": "root",
                    "title": "Tap for nested controller",
                    "sections": [
                            "header": "Nested view!",
                            "elements": [
                                    "type": "boolean",
                                    "caption": "Just a boolean",
                                    "id": "the-boolean",
                                    "value": false
                                }, {
                                    "type": "string",
                                    "caption": "Welcome to the nested controller"
        }, {
            "header": "Entries",
            "elements" : [
                    "type": "entry",
                    "caption": "Username",
                    "value": "",
                    "placeholder": "Your account username"

The above markup produces the following UI:

The UI created by the given markup

Every element in the tree can contain the property "id". It is possible at runtime to reference individual sections or elements using the JsonElement indexer. Like this:

var jsonElement = JsonElement.FromFile ("demo.json");

var firstSection = jsonElement ["first-section"] as Section;

var theBoolean = jsonElement ["the-boolean"] as BooleanElement;

Root Element Syntax

The Root element contains the following values:

  • title
  • sections (optional)

The root element can appear inside a section as an element to create a nested controller. In that case, the extra property "type" must be set to "root"


If the "url" property is set, if the user taps on this RootElement, the code will request a file from the specified url and will make the contents the new information displayed. You can use this to create extend the user interface from the server based on what the user taps.


If set, this sets the groupname for the root element. Group names are used to pick a summary that is displayed as the value of the root element from one of the nested elements in the element. This is either the value of a checkbox or the value of a radio button.


Identifies the radio item that is selected in nested elements


If present, it will be the title used for the RootElement


Must be set to "root" when this appears in a section (this is used to nest controllers).


This is a Json array with individual sections

Section Syntax

The section contains:

  • header (optional)
  • footer (optional)
  • elements array

If present, the header text is displayed as a caption of the section.

If present, the footer is displayed at the bottom of the section.


This is an array of elements. Each element must contain at least one key, the "type" key that is used to identify the kind of element to create. Some of the elements share some common properties like "caption" and "value". These are the list of supported elements:

  • string elements (both with and without styling)
  • entry lines (regular or password)
  • boolean values (using switches or images)

String elements can be used as buttons by providing a method to invoke when the user taps on either the cell or the accessory,

Rendering Elements

The rendering elements are based on the C# StringElement and StyledStringElement and they can render information in various ways and it is possible to render them in various ways. The simplest elements can be created like this:

    "type": "string",
    "caption": "Json Serializer"

This will show a simple string with all of the defaults: font, background, text color and decorations. It is possible to hook up actions to these elements and make them behave like buttons by setting the "ontap" property or the "onaccessorytap" properties:

    "type": "string",
    "caption": "View Photos",
    "ontap": "Acme.PhotoLibrary.ShowPhotos"

The above will invoke the "ShowPhotos" method in the class "Acme.PhotoLibrary". The "onaccessorytap" is similar, but it will only be invoked if the user taps on the accessory instead of tapping on the cell. To enable this, you must also set the accessory:

    "type": "string",
    "caption": "View Photos",
    "ontap": "Acme.PhotoLibrary.ShowPhotos",
    "accessory": "detail-disclosure",
    "onaccessorytap": "Acme.PhotoLibrary.ShowStats"

Rendering elements can display two strings at once, one is the caption and another is the value. How these strings are rendered depend on the style, you can set this using the "style" property. The default will show the caption on the left, and the value on the right. See the section on style for more details. Colors are encoded using the '#' symbol followed by hex numbers that represent the values for the red, green, blue and maybe alpha values. The contents can be encoded in short form (3 or 4 hex digits) which represents either RGB or RGBA values. Or the long form (6 or 8 digits) which represent either RGB or RGBA values. The short version is a shorthand to writing the same hex digit twice. So the "#1bc" constant is intepreted as red=0x11, green=0xbb and blue=0xcc. If the alpha value is not present, the color is opaque. Some examples:

"background": "#f00"
"background": "#fa08f880"


Determines the kind of accessory to be shown in your rendering element, the possible values are:

  • checkmark
  • detail-disclosure
  • disclosure-indicator

If the value is not present, no accessory is shown


The background property sets the background color for the cell. The value is either a URL to an image (in this case, the async image downloader will be invoked and the background will be updated once the image is downloaded) or it can be a color specified using the color syntax.


The main string to be shown on the rendering element. The font and color can be customized by setting the "textcolor" and "font" properties. The rendering style is determined by the "style" property.

color and detailcolor

The color to be used for the main text or the detailed text.

detailfont and font

The font to use for the caption or the detail text. The format of a font specification is the font name followed optionally by a dash and the point size. The following are valid font specifications:

  • "Helvetica"
  • "Helvetica-14"


Determines how lines are broken up. The possible values are:

  • character-wrap
  • clip
  • head-truncation
  • middle-truncation
  • tail-truncation
  • word-wrap

Both character-wrap and word-wrap can be used together with the "lines" property set to zero to turn the rendering element into a multi-line element.

ontap and onaccessorytap

These properties must point to a static method name in your application that takes an object as a parameter. When you create your hierarchy using the JsonDialog.FromFile or JsonDialog.FromJson methods you can pass an optional object value. This object value is then passed to your methods. You can use this to pass some context to your static method. For example:

class Foo {
    Foo ()
        root = JsonDialog.FromJson (myJson, this);

    static void Callback (object obj)
        Foo myFoo = (Foo) obj;
        obj.Callback ();


If this is set to zero, it will make the element auto-size depending on the content of the strings contained. For this to work, you must also set the "linebreak" property to "character-wrap" or "word-wrap".


The style determines the kind of cell style that will be used to render the content and they correspond to the UITableViewCellStyle enumeration values. The possible values are:

  • "default"
  • "value1"
  • "value2"
  • "subtitle" : text with a subtitle.


The value to use for the subtitle. This is a shortcut to set the style to "subtitle" and set the "value" property to a string. This does both with a single entry.


The color to use for the text.


The secondary value to be shown on the rendering element. The layout of this is affected by the "style" setting. The font and color can be customized by setting the "detailfont" and "detailcolor".

Boolean Elements

Boolean elements should set the type to "bool", can contain a "caption" to display and the "value" is set to either true or false. If the "on" and "off" properties are set, they are assumed to be images. The images are resolved relative to the current working directory in the application. If you want to reference bundle-relative files, you can use the "~" as a shortcut to represent the application bundle directory. For example "~/favorite.png" will be the favorite.png that is contained in the bundle file. For example:

    "type": "boolean",
    "caption": "Demo of a Boolean",
    "value": true

    "type": "boolean",
    "caption": "Boolean using images",
    "value": false,
    "on": "favorite.png",
    "off": "~/favorited.png"


Type can be set to either "boolean" or "checkbox". If set to boolean it will use a UISlider or images (if both "on" and "off" are set). If set to checkbox, it will use a checkbox. The "group" property can be used to tag a boolean element as belonging to a particular group. This is useful if the containing root also has a "group" property as the root will summarize the results with a count of all the booleans (or checkboxes) that belong to the same group.

Entry Elements

You use entry elements to allow the user to enter data. The type for entry elements is either "entry" or "password". The "caption" property is set to the text to show on the right, and the "value" is set to the initial value to set the entry to. The "placeholder" is used to show a hint to the user for empty entries (it is shown greyed out). Here are some examples:

    "type": "entry",
    "caption": "Username",
    "value": "",
    "placeholder": "Your account username"
}, {
    "type": "password",
    "caption": "Password",
    "value": "",
    "placeholder": "You password"
}, {
    "type": "entry",
    "caption": "Zip Code",
    "value": "01010",
    "placeholder": "your zip code",
    "keyboard": "numbers"
}, {
    "type": "entry",
    "return-key": "route",
    "caption": "Entry with 'route'",
    "placeholder": "captialization all + no corrections",
    "capitalization": "all",
    "autocorrect": "no"


Determines the auto-correction style to use for the entry. The possible values are true or false (or the strings "yes" and "no").


The capitalization style to use for the entry. The possible values are:

  • all
  • none
  • sentences
  • words


The caption to use for the entry


The keyboard type to use for data entry. The possible values are:

  • ascii
  • decimal
  • default
  • email
  • name
  • numbers
  • numbers-and-punctuation
  • twitter
  • url


The hint text that is shown when the entry has an empty value.


The label used for the return key. The possible values are:

  • default
  • done
  • emergencycall
  • go
  • google
  • join
  • next
  • route
  • search
  • send
  • yahoo


The initial value for the entry

Radio Elements

Radio elements have type "radio". The item that is selected is picked by the radioselected property on its containing root element. Additionally, if a value is set for the "group" property, this radio button belongs to that group.

Date and Time Elements

The element types "datetime", "date" and "time" are used to render dates with times, dates or times. These elements take as parameters a caption and a value. The value can be written in any format supported by the .NET DateTime.Parse function. Example:

"header": "Dates and Times",
"elements": [
        "type": "datetime",
        "caption": "Date and Time",
        "value": "Sat, 01 Nov 2008 19:35:00 GMT"
    }, {
        "type": "date",
        "caption": "Date",
        "value": "10/10"
    }, {
        "type": "time",
        "caption": "Time",
        "value": "11:23"

Html/Web Element

You can create a cell that when tapped will embed a UIWebView that renders the contents of a specified URL, either local or remote using the "html" type. The only two properties for this element are "caption" and "url":

    "type": "html",
    "caption": "Miguel's blog",
    "url": "" 