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Troubleshooting General Issues


Applies To: Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012

This topic contains troubleshooting information for general issues related to Remote Access.

GPO retrieval error

Error received—DirectAccess server GPO settings cannot be retrieved. Ensure you have edit permissions for the GPO.

The Remote Access management console is unresponsive after receiving this error.


DirectAccess cannot access the GPO of one of the entry points in the deployment and as a result the configuration fails to load.


Make sure that each entry point in the deployment has a corresponding GPO on its domain controller and verify that the logged on user has read and write permissions for all GPOs configured in the Remote Access deployment.

As a workaround, use the configuration cmdlets instead of using the Remote Access management console; for example, using Get-RemoteAccess and Get-DAEntryPoint.


This scenario does not occur when the server GPO of the current entry point isn’t available.

You can use the Get-DAEntryPointDC cmdlet to list all domain controllers that store server GPOs and Get-DAMultiSite in conjunction with Get-RemoteAccess to retrieve a complete list of the server GPOs in the deployment. For example:

$ServerGpos = Get-DAEntryPointDC | ForEach-Object { 
       GpoName = (Get-RemoteAccess -EntryPoint $_.EntryPointName).ServerGpoName; 
        DC = $_.DomainControllerName } 
$ServerGpos | ForEach-Object { $GpoName = $_['GpoName'] ; $DC = $_['DC'] ; Write-Host "Server GPO '$GpoName' on DC '$DC'" }

Windows 7 to Windows 8 client upgrade

Symptom—After a Windows 7 client upgrades to Windows 8 in a multisite deployment, the DirectAccess connection is not visible in the Networks list.


The Windows 7 GPOs in a multisite deployment do not contain the Windows 8 Network Connectivity Assistant configuration.

Windows 7 clients should use DirectAccess Connectivity Assistant to monitor their DirectAccess connectivity status which requires a separate manual configuration in the Windows 7 client GPOs. When Windows 7 clients are upgraded to Windows 8, the Network Connectivity Assistant will not function if the Windows 7 client GPO is still applied.


If DirectAccess Connectivity Assistant settings are configured in the Windows 7 GPOs, you can resolve this issue before upgrading client computers by modifying the Windows 7 GPOs using the following PowerShell cmdlets:

Set-GPRegistryValue -Name <Windows7GpoName> -Domain <DomainName> -Key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\NetworkConnectivityAssistant" -ValueName "TemporaryValue" -Type Dword -Value 1
Remove-GPRegistryValue -Name <Windows7GpoName> -Domain <DomainName> -Key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\NetworkConnectivityAssistant"

If a client has already been upgraded or the DCA is not configured, move the client computer to the Windows 8 security group.

General cmdlet errors

  • Issue 1

    Error received—Domain controller <domain_controller> cannot be reached for <server_name or entry_point_name>.


    To maintain the configuration consistency in a multisite deployment, it is important to make sure that each GPO is managed by a single domain controller. When the domain controller that manages an entry point’s server GPO is not available, Remote Access configuration settings cannot be read or modified.


    Follow the procedure “To change the domain controller that manages server GPOs” described in 2.4. Configure GPOs.

  • Issue 2

    Error received—The primary domain controller in domain <domain_name> cannot be reached.


    To maintain the configuration consistency in a multisite deployment, it is important to make sure that each GPO is managed by a single domain controller. Client GPOs are managed on the primary domain controller. If the primary domain controller is not available, Remote Access configuration settings cannot be read or modified.


    Follow the procedure “To transfer the PDC emulator role” described in 2.4. Configure GPOs.