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#If Version

The #IF VERSION comparison conditional statement is used to control the display of certain policy settings and features in the Administrative Templates node, based on the version of Group Policy Object Editor used.

#IF VERSION allows for part of the .adm files to be conditionally parsed and ignored by earlier versions of Group Policy Object Editor tool. For example, the SUPPORTED tag is not supported by versions of Group Policy Object Editor earlier than version 4. For this reason any statement using the SUPPORTED tag should be enclosed by #If Version...#endif.

The format for the #IF VERSION conditional statement is:

#if version operator versionNumber

[Group Policy administrative template definition statements]



The valid version comparison operators are:

Operator Signifies
> (GT) Greater than. For example, a > b means a is greater than b.
< (LT) Less than. For example, a < b means a is less than b.
== (EQ) Equal. For example, a == b means a is equal to b.
!= (NE) Not equal.
>= (GTE) Greater than or equal to. For example, a >= b means a is greater than or equal to b.
<= (LTE) Less than or equal to. For example, a <= b means a is less than or equal to b.



You can specify that any part of your .adm file be evaluated only in specific versions of the Group Policy editing tools.

Group Policy Overview

Group Policy File Formats