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Setup Command-Line Options for Service Provider Foundation


Updated: May 13, 2016

Applies To: System Center 2012 SP1 - Orchestrator, System Center 2012 R2 Orchestrator

You can use command-line options with the Service Provider Foundation setup to perform an unattended installation by using the –Silent option. All options that you want to specify must be in a response file (text file) whose path is specified after the –Silent option, except for –Silent –Uninstall which performs an unattended uninstallation. The options can be delineated by either one line for each option, or a single space separating each option.

This topic requires that you have located the setup.exe file for Service Provider Foundation in the installation media for Orchestrator.

Setup Command-Line Options

The -Silent option must be specified followed by the name of the response file, or followed by the -Uninstall option:

setup.exe -Silent <ResponseFile>

setup.exe -Silent -Uninstall

The options that you can include in the response file are as follows. The first three options are required. The fourth option is required only if you specify the SpecifyCertificate option as true.

-SendCEIPReports <true|false>

-UseMicrosoftUpdate <true|false>

-SpecifyCertificate <true|false>

-CertificateSerialNumber <CertificateSerialNumberNoSpaces>

[-CertificateStore <Personal|WebHosting>]

[-InstallFolder <InstallFolder>]

[-WebSitePortNumber <PortNumber>]

[-DatabaseServer <ServerName>]

[-DatabasePortNumber <PortNumber>]

[-ScvmmUserName <ScvmmUserName>]

[-ScvmmPassword <ScvmmPassword>]

[-ScvmmDomain <ScvmmDomain>]

[-ScvmmNetworkServiceSelected <true|false>]

[-VmmSecurityGroupUsers <VmmSecurityGroupUsers>]

[-ScadminUserName <scadminUserName>]

[-ScadminPassword <scadminPassword>]

[-ScadminDomain <scadminDomain>]

[-ScadminNetworkServiceSelected <true|false>]

[-AdminSecurityGroupUsers <AdminSecurityGroupUsers>]

[-ScproviderUserName <scproviderUserName>]

[-ScproviderPassword <scproviderPassword>]

[-ScproviderDomain <scproviderDomain>]

[-ScproviderNetworkServiceSelected <true|false>]

[-ProviderSecurityGroupUsers <ProviderSecurityGroupUsers>]

[-ScusageUserName <scusageUserName>]

[-ScusagePassword <scpusagePassword>]

[-ScusageDomain <scusageDomain>]

[-ScusageNetworkServiceSelected <true|false>]

[-usageSecurityGroupUsers <usageSecurityGroupUsers>]

The following table describes the command-line options:

Option Description
-Silent Performs an unattended installation.

You must include the name of response file after the –Silent option that contains the other options. The options can be delineated by either one line for each option, or a single space separating each option.

The following options are required to be specified in the response file:

- SendCEIPReports
- UseMicrosoftUpdate
- SpecifyCertificate
- CertificateSerialNumber (but only if SpecifyCertificate is true)
-Silent -Uninstall Performs an unattended uninstallation.
-SendCEIPReports Send anonymous reports to the Customer Experience Improvement Program.
-UseMicrosoftUpdate Use Microsoft Update to check for updates.
-SpecifyCertificate Specify true to use an existing certificate or false to automatically generate a self-signed certificate. If you specify true, you must also specify a value for the CertificateSerialNumber option.
-CertificateSerialNumber The serial number of the certificate used by IIS for HTTPS authentication. Must not contain any spaces. You can omit this option if you specified the SpecifyCertificate option as false.
[-DatabaseServer <ServerName>] The name of the server that contains the Service Provider Foundation database. Use localhost if the database is on the same computer on which you are installing Service Provider Foundation.
[-CertificationStore] The store location of the certificate.
[-InstallFolder <InstallFolder>] The path to the directory to install the product. The path must not contain any spaces.
[-WebSitePortNumber <PortNumber>] The port number for the web service.
[-DatabasePortNumber <PortNumber>] The port number of the database. The default is 1433.
[-ScvmmUserName <ScvmmUserName>]

[-ScadminUserName <scadminUserName>]

[-ScproviderUserName <scproviderUserName>]

[-ScusageUserName <scusageUserName>]
The username credential for the Internet Information Services (IIS) setting for the VMM, Admin, Provider, or Usage web service.

Omit this option if you are specifying true for the Network Service option.
[-ScvmmPassword <ScvmmPassword>]

[-ScadminPassword <scadminPassword>]

[-ScproviderPassword <scproviderPassword>]

[-ScusagePassword <scusagePassword>]
The password credential for the IIS setting for the VMM, Admin, Provider, or Usage web service.

Omit this option if you are specifying true for the Network Service option.
[-ScvmmDomain <ScvmmDomain>]

[-ScadminDomain <scadminDomain>]

[-ScproviderDomain <scproviderDomain>]

[-ScusageDomain <scusageDomain>]
The domain credential for the IIS setting for the VMM, Admin, Provider, or Usage web service.

Omit this option if you are specifying true for the Network Service option.
[-ScvmmNetworkServiceSelected <true|false>]

[-ScadminNetworkServiceSelected <true|false>]

[-ScproviderNetworkServiceSelected <true|false>]

[-ScusageNetworkServiceSelected <true|false>]
Specifies that Network Service is to be used for application pool credentials for the VMM, Admin, Provider, or Usage web service.

Specify false if you are specifying the username, password, or domain credential options.
[-VmmSecurityGroupUsers <VmmSecurityGroupUsers>]

[-AdminSecurityGroupUsers <AdminSecurityGroupUsers>]

[-ProviderSecurityGroupUsers <ProviderSecurityGroupUsers>]

[-usageSecurityGroupUsers <usageSecurityGroupUsers>]
Specifies one or more security groups or users (separated with a semicolon) for the VMM, Admin, Provider, or Usage web service.


  • If you get the following error:

    Error 0x80070003: Failed to write state to file: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{97585be5-93f3-41eb-8b19-34f5fe52879d}\state.rsm

    Create a directory named "{97585be5-93f3-41eb-8b19-34f5fe52879d}" in the C:ProgramDataPackage Cache directory and run the setup command again.

See Also

How to Install Service Provider Foundation for System Center 2012 R2
How to Uninstall Service Provider Foundation
Deploying Service Provider Foundation
Administering Service Provider Foundation
Architecture Overview of Service Provider Foundation