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Technical Reference for Package Conversion Manager Error Messages


Updated: February 1, 2012

Applies To: System Center 2012 Configuration Manager

The information in this topic describes the error messages that can be displayed when using Package Conversion Manager, the possible causes of the error, and methods you can use to correct the error. Package Conversion Manager error messages are logged in the file PCMTrace.log.


You can control the level of detail (verbosity) of information added to the PCMTrace.log file by modifying the System Center 2012 Configuration Manager configuration file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\bin\Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.exe.config. The verbosity level can be set from 1 (least detailed) to 4 (most detailed). When you are diagnosing error messages, set the verbosity level to 4.

To configure the verbosity level, edit the following line in the configuration file:

<switches> <add name=”PCMLogging” value=<verbosity level>></switches>



Application creation failed with the following exception: ‘{0}’.

Cause: The specified exception occurred during the submission of the application object to the System Center 2012 Configuration Manager server.

Fix: Check your permissions in Configuration Manager and validate your connectivity, then retry. If that does not fix the problem, examine the PCMtrace.log log file (verbosity level 4) and SMSProv.log.


Cause: A general exception occurred during the conversion of the package. Look in the PCMtrace.log log file (verbosity level 4).

Fix: Check the user permissions for the network share (package data source) and validate their connectivity then retry. If that does not fix the problem, examine the PCMtrace.log log file (verbosity level 4).

Did not find a converted package and its resultant application in the workflow outputs.

Cause: The application (converted package/program) was deleted.

Fix: Modify the dependent package/program to ensure that the dependent package/program exists.

Objects were not created successfully.

Cause: Several possible causes.

Fix: Check your permissions in Configuration Manager and validate your connectivity, then retry. If that does not fix the problem, examine the PCMtrace.log log file (verbosity level 4) and the SMSProv.log log file.

Please close the wizard and resolve any issues with the selected package. See PCMTrace.Log for more details.

Cause: Several possible causes.

Fix: Check your permissions in Configuration Manager and validate your connectivity, then retry. If that does not fix the problem, examine the PCMtrace.log log file (verbosity level 4) and the SMSProv.log log file.

Some Deployment Types are missing Detection Methods. All Deployment Types must have Detection Methods.

Cause: Detection methods are missing from the program.

Fix: Add one or more detection methods during the Fix and Convert process.

There was an error preparing the package for conversion.

Cause: Several possible causes.

Fix: Check your permissions in Configuration Manager and validate your connectivity, then retry. If that does not fix the problem, examine the PCMtrace.log log file (verbosity level 4) and the SMSProv.log log file.

This Release Candidate product has expired, please download the most recent version.

Cause: The product evaluation period has expired.

Fix: Install a newer version of Package Conversion Manager.

This trial version of Package Conversion Manager has expired please install the latest version from the web.

Cause: The product evaluation period has expired.

Fix: Install a newer version of Package Conversion Manager.