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Configure storage pools and disk storage


Updated: May 13, 2016

Applies To: System Center 2012 SP1 - Data Protection Manager, System Center 2012 - Data Protection Manager, System Center 2012 R2 Data Protection Manager

DPM stores backed up data on disk for short-term storage. You can also combine disk storage with storage in Azure using Azure Backup, and with long-term tape storage.

Disk storage prerequisites

Disks are used for short-term storage of data protected by DPM. When you configure System Center 2012 – Data Protection Manager (DPM) you configure a storage pool as the disk or disks on which DPM stores replicas and recovery points for protected data. Note the following:

  • When you set up DPM you’ll need a disk dedicated to this storage pool, in addition to the disk you’ll use to store system files, installation files, prerequisite software, and database files.

  • You’ll need at least one disk in the storage pool before you can start protecting data. Note that the system disk on which DPM is installed can’t be added to the pool.

  • DPM doesn’t support USB/1394 disks.

  • When you add a disk to the storage pool, DPM uses the available free space on the disk and doesn’t delete any data. DPM can’t use free space in existing volumes on the disk, it can only use space in the volumes that it creates. If you want to make the entire disk space available, delete any existing volumes on the disk before you add it to the pool

  • As an alternative to the storage pool you can use custom volumes to protect your data sources for short-term protection. You can also use tapes for short-term protection.

  • Before you start, read the guidelines for storage pool disk types and capacity requirements in Planning the Storage Pool.

  • To help you estimate your storage needs download the Storage Calculators for System Center Data Protection Manager.

Configure disk storage

After you have at least one disk set up in accordance with the prerequisites, you can add it to the storage pool:

  1. In DPM Administrator Console, click Management > Disks.

  2. Click Add on the tool ribbon, and in Add Disks to Storage Pool select the disk you want to add form the Available disks list.

After the storage pool is set up, when you create protection groups that include data sources you want to back up, you’ll be able to configure disk as short-term storage for that backed up data.