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How to Install Additional Management Servers


Updated: May 13, 2016

Applies To: System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager, System Center 2012 - Operations Manager, System Center 2012 SP1 - Operations Manager

After you have installed System Center 2012 – Operations Manager, you can add additional management servers and join them to your existing management group.


If you install a stand-alone web console on a server, you will not be able to add the management server feature to this server. If you want to install the management server and web console on the same server, you must either install both features simultaneously, or install the management server before you install the web console.

You must ensure that your server meets the minimum system requirements for System Center 2012 – Operations Manager. For more information, see System Requirements for System Center 2012 – Operations Manager.


Before you follow these procedures, read the Before You Begin section of Deploying System Center 2012 - Operations Manager.

To install additional management servers

  1. Log on to the server with an account that has local administrative credentials.

  2. On the Operations Manager installation media, run Setup.exe, and then click Install.

  3. On the Getting Started, Select features to install page, select Management server.

    You can also additional features, such as the Operations console. Select Operations console. To read more about each feature and its requirements, click Expand all, or expand the buttons next to each feature, and then click Next.

  4. On the Getting Started, Select installation location page, accept the default location of C:\Program Files\System Center 2012\Operations Manager, or type in a new location or browse to one, and then click Next.

  5. On the Prerequisites page, review and address any warnings or errors that the Prerequisites checker returns, and then click Verify Prerequisites Again to recheck the system.

  6. If the Prerequisites checker does not return any warnings or errors, the Prerequisites, Proceed with Setup page appears. Click Next.

  7. On the Configuration, Specify an installation option page, select Add a Management server to an existing management group, and then click Next.

  8. When the Configuration, Configure the operational database page opens, type the name of the SQL Server database server and instance for the database server that hosts the operational database in the Server name and instance name box. If you installed SQL Server by using the default instance, you only have to enter the server name. If you changed the default SQL Server port, you must type in the new port number in the SQL Server port box.

    As you type the values for SQL Server and instance name, you see a red circle with a white X in it appear to the left of the Server name and instance name and SQL Server port boxes. The white X indicates that the values have not yet been validated. The black text indicates that you have not entered any illegal characters. If you enter illegal characters, the text itself turns red.

  9. After you have typed the correct values for the name of the SQL Server database server, click the SQL Server port box. Setup attempts to validate the values that you have typed for the SQL Server name and the port number.

  10. Select the database name from the Database name drop-down list, and then click Next.

  11. On the Configuration, Configure Operations Manager accounts page, we recommend that you use the Domain Account option for the Management server action account and the System Center Configuration service and System Center Data Access service account. Neither of them should have domain administrator credentials. Click Next.


    You must provide the same credentials for the Management server action account and the System Center Configuration Service and System Center Data Access service that you provided when you created the first management server in your management group.

  12. If Windows Update is not enabled on the computer, the Configuration, Microsoft Update page appears. Select your options, and then click Next.

  13. Review the options on the Configuration, Installation Summary page, and then click Install. Setup continues.

  14. When setup is finished, the Setup is complete page appears. Click Close.

  15. Open the Operations console.

  16. In the Operations console, select the Administration workspace, and then expand Device Management.

  17. In Device Management, select Management Servers. In the results pane, you should see the management server that you just installed with a green check mark in the Health State column.

To install additional management servers by using the Command Prompt window

  1. Log on to the server by using an account that has local administrative credentials.

  2. Open the Command Prompt window by using the Run as Administrator option.

  3. Change the path to where the Operations Manager setup.exe file is located, and run the following command.


    The following command assumes that you specified the Local System for the Management server action account (/UseLocalSystemActionAccount) and Data Access service (/UseLocalSystemDASAccount). To specify a domain\user name for these accounts, you must provide the following parameters instead.

    /ActionAccountUser: <domain\username> /ActionAccountPassword: <password>

    /DASAccountUser: <domain\username> /DASAccountPassword: <password>

      setup.exe /silent /install /components:OMServer
      /SqlServerInstance: <server\instance>
      /DatabaseName: <OperationalDatabaseName>
      /UseLocalSystemActionAccount /UseLocalSystemDASAccount
      /DataReaderUser: <domain\username>
      /DataReaderPassword: <password>
      /DataWriterUser: <domain\username>
      /DataWriterPassword: <password>
      /EnableErrorReporting: [Never|Queued|Always]
      /SendCEIPReports: [0|1]
      /UseMicrosoftUpdate: [0|1]