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Activity Monitor (Locks by Object Page)

Use this page to view information about locks belonging to specific objects.


  • Selected object
    Specify the database object to display what locks are related to that object.

The following columns are displayed for each lock. The order of the columns in the grid can be changed by dragged this column headers to a preferred location.

  • Process ID
    Server process ID (SPID) of the current user process.
  • Context
    Represents the ID of a given thread associated with a specific SPID.
  • Batch ID
    The batch ID.
  • Type
    The type of lock. Some common types are:

    Type Description


    Row identifier. Used to lock a single row individually within a table.


    A row lock within an index. Used to protect key ranges in serializable transactions.


    Data or index page.


    A contiguous group of eight data pages or index pages.


    An entire table, including all data and indexes.


    An entire database.


    Descriptive information about the object.

    Other types are possible.

  • Subtype
    Additional type information. This column may be blank.
  • Object ID
    The object ID of the database object that is the subject of the lock.
  • Description
    Descriptive information, if any, provided by the object.
  • Request Mode
    The type of lock requested.

    Type Description

    Shared (S)

    Used for operations that do not change or update data (read-only operations), such as a SELECT statement.

    Update (U)

    Used on resources that can be updated. Prevents a common form of deadlock that occurs when multiple sessions are reading, locking, and then potentially updating resources later.

    Exclusive (X)

    Used for data modification operations, such as UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE. Ensures that multiple updates cannot be made to the same resource at the same time.


    Used to establish a lock hierarchy.


    Used when an operation dependent on the schema of a table is executing. There are two types of schema locks: schema stability (Sch-S) and schema modification (Sch-M).

    Bulk update (BU)

    Used when bulk copying data into a table and the TABLOCK hint is specified.


    Shared range, shared resource lock; serializable range scan.


    Shared range, update resource lock; serializable update scan.


    Insert range, null resource lock. Used to test ranges before inserting a new key into an index.


    Exclusive range, exclusive resource lock. Used when updating a key in a range.

  • Request Type
    The type of object requested.
  • Request Status
    The status of the lock request.

    Type Description


    Lock was obtained.


    Lock is blocked by another process.


    Lock is being converted to another lock. A lock being converted to another lock is held in one mode but is waiting to acquire a stronger lock mode (for example, update to exclusive). When diagnosing blocking issues, a CNVT can be considered similar to a WAIT.

  • Owner Type
    The internal owner of the lock, such as TRANSACTION, SESSION, or CURSOR.
  • Owner ID
    The owner ID associated with the lock.
  • Owner GUID
    The GUID of the lock owner.
  • Database
    The database containing the locks.
  • Object
    The name of the object being locked.

See Also

Other Resources

sp_lock (Transact-SQL)

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