Del via

Adding Multiple Fields and Values

Occasionally, it might be more efficient to pass in an array of fields and their corresponding values to the AddNew method, rather than setting Value multiple times for each new field. If FieldList is an array, Values must also be an array with the same number of members; otherwise, an error occurs. The order of field names must match the order of field values in each array. The following code passes an array of fields and an array of values to the AddNew method.

    Dim avarFldNames As Variant
    Dim avarFldValues As Variant

    avarFldNames = Array("CompanyName", "Phone")
    avarFldValues = Array("Sample Shipper 2", "(931) 555-6334")

    If objRs1.Supports(adAddNew) Then
        objRs1.AddNew avarFldNames, avarFldValues
    End If

    'Re-establish a Connection and update
    Set objRs1.ActiveConnection = GetNewConnection