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Monitoring Unified Messaging Servers Without System Center Operations Manager

Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 will reach end of support on April 11, 2017. To stay supported, you will need to upgrade. For more information, see Resources to help you upgrade your Office 2007 servers and clients.


Applies to: Exchange Server 2007 SP1, Exchange Server 2007 SP2, Exchange Server 2007 SP3

These counters provide an excellent summary of the health of the Unified Messaging server role in Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 as well as its interaction with other server roles.

Counter Expected values

MSExchangeAvailability\Call Answer Queued Messages

Shows the number of messages created and not yet submitted for delivery.

Should be less than 50 at all times.

MSExchangeAvailability\Direct Access Failures

Shows the number of times that attempts to access Active Directory failed.

Should be 0 at all times.

MSExchangeAvailability\Hub Transport Access Failures

Shows the number of times that attempts to access a Hub Transport server failed. This number is only incremented if all Hub Transport servers were unavailable.

Should be 0 at all times.

MSExchangeAvailability\Unhandled Exceptions/sec

Shows the number of calls that were disconnected after an internal system error occurred in the last second.


The name of this performance counter (Calls Disconnected on Irrecoverable Internal Error Per Second) does not match the name listed in its description.

Should be 0 at all times.

MSExchangeAvailability\Queued OCS User Event Notifications

Shows the number of notifications that have been created and not yet submitted for delivery.

Represents the number of missed call notifications that have been generated in the Office Communications Server environment and have not been submitted for delivery.

Should be 0 at all times.

MSExchangeUMPerformance\Operations over Six Seconds

Shows the number of all Unified Messaging operations that took more than six seconds to complete. This is the time during which a caller was waiting for Unified Messaging to respond.

Should be 0 at all times.

MSExchangeUMAvailibility\Mailbox Server Access Failures

Shows the number of times the system did not access a Mailbox server.

Should be 0 at all times.

A non-zero value indicates that Unified Messaging is having problems with MAPI connectivity to mbx servers.

MSExchangeUMCallAnswer\Calls Disconnected by Callers During UM Audio Hourglass

Shows the number of calls during which the caller disconnected while Unified Messaging was playing the audio hourglass tones.

Should be 0 at all times.

A non-zero value suggests excessive latency between a Unified Messaging server and targeted domain controller.

For More Information

For more information about Unified Messaging performance counters, see Performance Counter Reference for Unified Messaging.