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EDT Relation Migration Tool

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, relations can no longer be created under extended data type (EDT) nodes in the Application Object Tree (AOT). Relations that are defined under EDT nodes are still effective, but in a future release they will be obsolete and deleted. The EDT relation migration tool helps you move relations from EDT nodes to table nodes. The EDT relation migration tool is found on the client menu, under Tools > Code upgrade > EDT relation migration tool.

The Representation of Relations

Before Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, relations could be defined under the Relations node of an EDT node, or under a table node.

The following table describes the differences between how relations were handled in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 and how relations are handled in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

Both table and EDT relations were supported. EDT relations could not contain metadata such as cardinality and relation type.

New EDT relations cannot be created. Use table relations instead. Table relations can contain metadata.

Table relations could not be used for dynamic links.

Table relations now support dynamic links.

Table relations could not be used for unbound control lookup.

Table relations now support unbound control lookup.

Having both types of relations on a single table could introduce ordering problems in certain circumstances.

New EDT relations cannot be created. We recommend that you convert all existing EDT relations to table relations. To preserve existing behavior, a new property that is named Reference Table has been added to the EDT structure. Each EDT node in the AOT contains a new Table References node that stores lookup information.

Using the EDT Relation Migration Tool

When you first start the EDT relation migration tool, a message may be displayed: The data on existing EDT relations needs to be refreshed. Do you want to continue? Click Yes to refresh the list of EDT relations.

Automating the Migration Process

You can use the EDT relation migration tool to help you complete the migration process. The tool can perform the following actions:

  • Copy EDT relations to all referencing tables.

  • Add relation metadata under the table nodes.

    • Derive the cardinality from the index on the foreign key.

    • Derive the relationship type from the delete action or key composition.

    • Determine the role names.

  • Generate a report of the data artifacts that are affected by the migration, for all given relations. The affected artifacts can include the following:

    • Queries

    • Forms

    • Delete actions on tables

    • Data sets

    • X++ reports

For examples of specific operations and typical migration scenarios, see the Migrating EDT Relations white paper.

The following figure displays the EDT relation migration tool.

EDT relation migration tool

The EDT relation migration tool, displaying the EDT relations for the WrkCtrTable

The left pane displays a list of tables that contain EDT relations. When you select a table in the left pane, the right pane displays the metadata of the selected table that may be affected by the migration.

The following items describe how to navigate the form:

  1. The left pane contains the Table name list, which displays all the tables that contain EDT relations.

  2. Select a table in the Table name list. A list of EDT relations that are used by that table is displayed on the EDT Relations FastTab in the pane on the right side.

  3. Select an EDT relation on the EDT relations FastTab. Details of that EDT relation are displayed on the FastTabs under the EDT relations section.

  4. If the Migration status field for an EDT relation is set to Not migrated, you can select the migration action in the Migration action field.

Controls in the Form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.

Gg989788.collapse_all(en-us,AX.60).gifLeft Side Pane



Table name

The tables that use EDT relations.

Gg989788.collapse_all(en-us,AX.60).gifRight Side Pane



EDT relations

View the list of EDT relations that are used by the selected table.

Relation properties

View the properties of the selected EDT relation.

Affected delete action

View whether the EDT relation is used in a delete action of the table.

Affected forms

View the forms that are affected by this relation.

Affected queries

View the queries that are affected by this relation.

Affected data sets

View the data sets that are affected by this relation.

Affected X++ reports

View the X++ reports that are affected by this relation.

Gg989788.collapse_all(en-us,AX.60).gifMenu Actions



Refresh relation data

Refresh the relation data.

Scan test artifacts

Scan the test artifacts.

Migrate multiple tables

Migrate the selected tables. More than one table must be selected. Otherwise, this action is not available.

Migrate single table

Migrate the selected table. Only one table can be selected. Otherwise, this action is not available.




Migrate all

Set the Migration action field to Migrate for every relation for which the Migration status field is set to Not migrated.

See also

Extended Data Types in the Database

Announcements: New book: "Inside Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3" now available. Get your copy at the MS Press Store.