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CSS Deploy Command

For the latest version of Commerce Server 2007 Help, see the Microsoft Web site.

Initiates deployment of a staging project.


In order to deploy projects, you must have permission to operate Commerce Server Staging (CSS) or the project. You have permission if you are a member of the CSS Operators or CSS Administrators group.

Deploy <ProjectName> [Flags] [GlobalFlags]





Specifies the name of the project.


The following optional flags, except for the /Route and /Display flags, are only valid for staging Web content projects.




Specifies whether to stage all content or only that content that has changed. This is comparable to selecting the Check time stamp only option on the Advanced tab in the Project Properties dialog box.


Specifies whether to force deployment of all content. This is comparable to selecting the Force deployment of all content option on the Advanced tab in the Project Properties dialog box.


Specifies whether routes are specified. The default assignment is /Route.


Specifies whether to stage content automatically or according to a schedule. This is comparable to selecting the Deploy automatically as content changes option on the Schedule tab in the Project Properties dialog box.


Specifies to replicate the directory structure only.

This flag has no user interface counterpart. This flag cannot be used with the /Incremental option.


Specifies to preserve deleted content on the endpoint servers. This is comparable to selecting the Preserve Content on destination when deleting from source option on the Advanced tab in the Project Properties dialog box.


Specifies that all subdirectories should be excluded from staging.


Displays the results of the deployment as it runs.

Global Flags



/Server <ServerName>

Specifies the server for which the command should execute. Leave blank to execute the command on the server where you enter the command.

/User <user> [pass | *]

Specifies the credentials to use to run the command. You must specify a user name that has the required CSS administrator or operator rights on the server where the command will be executed. If you omit the user name, the user name of the person who enters the command is used.

If you omit the password or enter an asterisk, CSS prompts you for the password. The password you enter is not displayed on the screen.


You must have CSS administrator or operator access rights to execute this command.

To specify additional project properties, see EditProj.

See Also

Other Resources

Staging Web Sites and Commerce Server Data

Managing Staging Projects

CSS EditProj Command

CSS AddProj Command

Staging Commands