Azure DevOps Services | Azure DevOps Server 2022 - Azure DevOps Server 2019
There are several ways to customize your Azure Repos Git repositories by using branch and repository settings and policies. This article discusses repository-level settings and policies.
Repository settings and policies configure global options for all Git repositories for a project or organization, or for individual repositories.
Branch policies include options like requiring a pull request, a successful build, or a code review before changes can merge into a branch. For more information, see Branch policies and settings.
Repository and branch security permissions control user assignments.
These permissions control who can read, write, contribute to pull requests, and take other specific actions. For more information, see Set permissions for a repository.
Summary of all repository and branch settings and policies
You can configure settings and policies for all repositories in a project, for individual repositories, and for branches of repositories. In the browser, you configure all these settings and policies through Project settings > Repositories.
You can set several branch settings and policies with the Azure CLI using az repos policy.
The following tables summarize the settings and policies you can enable and configure for Git repositories and branches.
All Repositories Settings
The following table summarizes the settings you can enable and configure for all new Git repositories in a project or in an organization.
Initialize new repositories with the default branch name you specify. You can change the default branch for a particular repository anytime. If you don't enable this feature, repositories initialize with a default branch named main.
Specify up to five more branches to participate in code search, which by default only applies to the default branch. Requires the Code Search extension installed and enabled.
Repository policies or options
The following table summarizes the policies or options you can set for either all or individual repositories. Policies set for All Repositories set the default for individual repositories added at a later date.
Block pushes that contain new or updated files larger than the selected limit.
Branch policies
The following table summarizes the policies you can define to customize a branch. For more information on configuring these settings, see Improve code quality with branch policies. When you set any policy on a branch, the following policies are automatically enforced:
Pull requests are required to update the branch.
The branch can't be deleted.
Branch policies are applied to Pull Requests based on the target branch of the Pull Request. Branch policies should not be set on temporary branches that will be deleted after a pull request. Adding branch policies to temporary branches will cause automatic branch deletion to fail.
- View code in private projects: At least Basic access. - Clone or contribute to code in private projects: Member of the Contributors security group or corresponding permissions in the project. - Set branch or repository permissions: Manage permissions permissions for the branch or repository. - Change default branch: Edit policies permissions for the repository. - Import a repository: Member of the Project Administrators security group or Git project-level Create repository permission set to Allow. For more information, see Set Git repository permissions.
- View code: At least Basic access. - Clone or contribute to code: Member of the Contributors security group or corresponding permissions in the project.
You can configure settings for all repositories across an organization or project, or for individual repositories. You can configure policies for all repositories, for individual repositories, or for specified branches across repositories. For information about setting branch policies, see Branch policies.
It's best to configure repository settings either at the project level or for individual repositories, but not both. If you configure settings at more than one level, the system honors the most restrictive setting. Configuring settings at only one level reduces confusion and Git performance issues.
To configure repository settings and policies through the web portal, open Project settings> Repositories from your web browser.
To view or modify settings or policies for all Git repositories, open the All Repositories page and choose Settings or Policies.
To configure settings and policies for a specific repository, select the Repositories tab, choose the repository, and then choose the Settings or Policies tab.
The following screenshot shows the Settings tab selected. You can define these settings for all Git repositories or for an individual repository.
The following screenshot shows the Policies tab selected. You can define these policies for all Git repositories or for an individual repository.
You can use Azure DevOps CLI to list repositories or show or update a repository. Also, you can list, show or update policy details for a branch or repository.
Azure DevOps organization URL. You can configure the default organization by using az devops configure -d organization=<ORG_URL>. Required if not configured as default or picked up via git config. Example:
project, p
Name or ID of the project. You can configure the default project using az devops configure -d project=<NAME_OR_ID>. Required if not configured as default or picked up via git config.
Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s <NAME_OR_ID>.
The following command returns all Git repositories for the default configuration az devops configure --defaults organization= project="Fabrikam Fiber".
az repos list --output table
ID Name Default Branch Project
------------------------------------ -------------- ---------------- --------------
50a9df8e-5024-49d7-bf63-d3989139627e Fabrikam Fiber main Fabrikam Fiber
ac228555-ea89-4881-9ace-dfa065baf7d3 Test 1-2-3 main Fabrikam Fiber
0d58f562-4a10-495d-94d7-7ac61a22d7cc Testing 1 2 3 main Fabrikam Fiber
30954ce5-417b-4930-b8d2-8b6cac934a34 contosoREPO main Fabrikam Fiber
List repository details
Use az repos show to list information about a repository or open it in a web browser.
az repos show --repository
[--detect {false, true}]
Azure DevOps organization URL. You can configure the default organization by using az devops configure -d organization=<ORG_URL>. Required if not configured as default or picked up via git config. Example:
project, p
Name or ID of the project. You can configure the default project using az devops configure -d project=<NAME_OR_ID>. Required if not configured as default or picked up via git config.
Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s <NAME_OR_ID>.
The following command lists the details of the contosoREPO for the default configuration az devops configure --defaults organization= project="Fabrikam Fiber".
az repos show --repository contosoREPO --output table
ID Name Default Branch Project
------------------------------------ ----------- ---------------- --------------
30954ce5-417b-4930-b8d2-8b6cac934a34 contosoREPO main Fabrikam Fiber
For more details, enter the following command:
az repos show --repository contosoREPO
"defaultBranch": "refs/heads/main",
"id": "30954ce5-417b-4930-b8d2-8b6cac934a34",
"isDisabled": false,
"isFork": null,
"name": "contosoREPO",
"parentRepository": null,
"project": {
"abbreviation": null,
"defaultTeamImageUrl": null,
"description": "Guidance and source control to foster a vibrant ecosystem for Fabrikam Fiber applications and extensions.",
"id": "56af920d-393b-4236-9a07-24439ccaa85c",
"lastUpdateTime": "2021-05-24T21:52:14.95Z",
"name": "Fabrikam Fiber",
"revision": 438023732,
"state": "wellFormed",
"url": "",
"visibility": "private"
"remoteUrl": "",
"size": 1627,
"sshUrl": "",
"url": "",
"validRemoteUrls": null,
"webUrl": ""
Update a repository
You can use az repos update to update the default branch or rename a repository.
az repos show --repository
[--detect {false, true}]
Name or ID of a repository.
Specify the default branch to be set for the repository. Example: 'refs/heads/live' or 'live'.
Azure DevOps organization URL. You can configure the default organization by using az devops configure -d organization=<ORG_URL>. Required if not configured as default or picked up via git config. Example:
project, p
Name or ID of the project. You can configure the default project using az devops configure -d project=<NAME_OR_ID>. Required if not configured as default or picked up via git config.
Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s <NAME_OR_ID>.
The following command renames the contosoREPO to contosoFabrikam for the default configuration az devops configure --defaults organization= project="Fabrikam Fiber".
az repos show --repository contosoREPO --output table
ID Name Default Branch Project
------------------------------------ ----------- ---------------- --------------
30954ce5-417b-4930-b8d2-8b6cac934a34 contosoREPO main Fabrikam Fiber
Use az repos policy list to list all policies for all project repositories and branches. Use the repository-id and branch parameters to list policies for specific repositories and branches.
az repos policy list [--branch]
[--detect {false, true}]
Branch name to filter results by exact match. The --repository-id parameter is required to use the branch filter. For example: --branch main.
Azure DevOps organization URL. You can configure the default organization by using az devops configure -d organization=<ORG_URL>. Required if not configured as default or picked up via git config. Example:
project, p
Name or ID of the project. You can configure the default project using az devops configure -d project=<NAME_OR_ID>. Required if not configured as default or picked up via git config.
Recommended JMESPath string. You can copy one of the queries and paste it after the --query parameter in double quotation marks to see the results. You can add one or more positional keywords so suggestions are based on these keywords.
ID of the repository to filter results by exact match. For example, --repository-id e556f204-53c9-4153-9cd9-ef41a11e3345.
Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s <NAME_OR_ID>.
The following command returns all the policies in effect in the default project. This example uses the default configuration az devops configure --defaults organization= project="Fabrikam Fiber".
az repos policy list --output table
ID Name Is Blocking Is Enabled Repository Id Branch
---- --------------------------- ------------- ------------ ------------------------------------ ---------------------
1 Git repository settings True True d28cd374-e7f0-4b1f-ad60-f349f155d47c All Branches
3 Work item linking True True d28cd374-e7f0-4b1f-ad60-f349f155d47c refs/heads/main
5 Minimum number of reviewers True True d28cd374-e7f0-4b1f-ad60-f349f155d47c refs/heads/main
6 Comment requirements False True d28cd374-e7f0-4b1f-ad60-f349f155d47c refs/heads/main
7 Minimum number of reviewers True True d28cd374-e7f0-4b1f-ad60-f349f155d47c refs/heads/big-branch
8 Work item linking False True d28cd374-e7f0-4b1f-ad60-f349f155d47c refs/heads/big-branch
9 Required reviewers True True d28cd374-e7f0-4b1f-ad60-f349f155d47c refs/heads/new
10 Required reviewers True True d28cd374-e7f0-4b1f-ad60-f349f155d47c refs/heads/new
11 Required reviewers True True d28cd374-e7f0-4b1f-ad60-f349f155d47c refs/heads/new
12 Required reviewers True True d28cd374-e7f0-4b1f-ad60-f349f155d47c refs/heads/main
13 Required reviewers False True d28cd374-e7f0-4b1f-ad60-f349f155d47c refs/heads/main
Show policy details
To show the details of any policy, use az repos policy show. You can get the policy ID by running az repos policy list.
az repos policy show --id
[--detect {false, true}]
Azure DevOps organization URL. You can configure the default organization by using az devops configure -d organization=<ORG_URL>. Required if not configured as default or picked up via git config. Example:
project, p
Name or ID of the project. You can configure the default project using az devops configure -d project=<NAME_OR_ID>. Required if not configured as default or picked up via git config.
Recommended JMESPath string. You can copy one of the queries and paste it after the --query parameter in double quotation marks to see the results. You can add one or more positional keywords so suggestions are based on these keywords.
Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s <NAME_OR_ID>.
The following example shows the name and details for policy ID 1 in the default project. This example uses the default configuration az devops configure --defaults organization= project="Fabrikam Fiber".
az repos policy show --id 1 --output table
ID Name Is Blocking Is Enabled Repository Id Branch
---- ----------------------- ------------- ------------ ------------------------------------ ------------
1 Git repository settings True True d28cd374-e7f0-4b1f-ad60-f349f155d47c All Branches
Azure DevOps organization URL. You can configure the default organization by using az devops configure -d organization=<ORG_URL>. Required if not configured as default or picked up via git config. Example:
project, p
Name or ID of the project. You can configure the default project using az devops configure -d project=<NAME_OR_ID>. Required if not configured as default or picked up via git config.
Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s <NAME_OR_ID>.
The following policy.json file sets the minimum reviewers policy to require three approvals in all main branches across all repositories in the default project.
The az repos policy update command line updates the minimum reviewers policy per the policy.json file. You can find the policy ID by using az repos policy list. The example uses the default configuration az devops configure --defaults organization= project="Fabrikam Fiber".
az repos policy update --config C:\policies\policy.json --id 7 --output table
ID Name Is Blocking Is Enabled Branch
---- --------------------------- ------------- ------------ -----------------
7 Minimum number of reviewers False True refs/heads/main
Azure DevOps CLI commands aren't supported for Azure DevOps Server.
Default branch name
You can set a default repository branch name at the organization or project level. The organization-level setting takes effect for all new repositories across all projects in the organization. The project-level setting affects all new repositories in a project, and supersedes any name set at the organization level.
You can:
Choose any legal branch name to use when a repository is initialized.
Change the default name anytime to affect all future repositories.
Change the default branch name for any particular repository anytime.
If you don't enable the default branch name feature, repositories initialize with the Azure Repos default branch name main.
To set a default branch name at the organization level:
On your Azure DevOps organization page, select Organization settings at lower left, and then select Repositories in the left navigation.
On the All Repositories page, set Default branch name for new repositories to On, and then enter a default branch name.
To set a default branch name at the project level:
On your Azure DevOps project page, select Project settings at lower left, and then select Repositories in the left navigation.
On the Settings tab of the All Repositories page, set Default branch name for new repositories to On, and then enter a default branch name.
The Default branch name for new repositories setting requires Azure DevOps Server 2020.1 or later version.
Branch permission management
You can control who can manage permissions for repository branches by setting a permission management setting for all Git repositories or for individual repositories. If you enable the Allow users to manage permissions for their created branches setting at the All Repositories level, all new project repositories are configured to let users manage permissions for their created branches.
To manage this setting:
On your Azure DevOps project page, select Project settings at lower left, and then select Repositories in the left navigation.
On the Settings tab of the All Repositories page, set Allow users to manage permissions for their created branches to On or Off.
To enable or disable this setting for individual repositories:
Select Project Settings > Repositories, and then select a repository.
On the Settings tab of the <Repository name> page, set Permissions management to On or Off.
Gravatar images
This setting enables or disables the use of Gravatar images for users outside your enterprise.
Gravatar images is an organization-level setting.
On your Azure DevOps organization page, select Organization settings at lower left, and then select Repositories in the left navigation.
On the All Repositories page, set Gravatar images to On or Off.
Gravatar images is a project-level setting for All Repositories.
On your Azure DevOps project page, select Project settings at lower left, and then select Repositories in the left navigation.
On the Settings tab of the All Repositories page, set Gravatar images to On or Off.
Enable forks
This repository setting controls whether users can create new server-side forks. Disabling this setting doesn't remove existing forks.
From Project Settings, select Repositories in the left navigation.
On the Repositories tab of the All Repositories page, select a repository.
On the Settings tab of the <Repository name> page, set Forks to On or Off.
Work item linking settings
These repository settings manage work item linking.
Select Project Settings > Repositories, and then select a repository.
On the Settings tab of the <Repository name> page, turn the settings On or Off.
Commit mention linking
When enabled, commit messages containing # followed by a valid work item ID automatically link the commit to that work item. Disable this setting if the repository previously used a different account or service. Those repositories might have commit messages with # mentions that don't match the work item IDs in the current account.
Commit mention work item resolution
Enable this setting to automatically complete work items when linked pull requests complete. This setting also allows specifying other work item transition states in pull request commit messages. For more information, see Auto-complete work items with pull requests.
Work item transition preferences
By default, the option to complete linked work items during pull request completion remembers each user's last choice. Teams that want to discourage users from completing work items with their pull requests can disable this setting. Users must then opt in to completing work items each time they complete a pull request.
Strict Vote Mode setting
In certain situations, users who aren't contributors to a repository can submit a pull request and cause it to be merged, depending on policies. To prevent this possibility, enable Strict Vote Mode to change the required permission to vote on repository pull requests to Contribute. Enabling this setting is recommended if you rely on user forks in Azure Repos.
Select Project Settings > Repositories, and then select a repository.
On the Settings tab of the <Repository name> page, set Strict Vote Mode to On or Off.
Disable repository setting
Enabling this setting disables access to the repository, including builds and pull requests, but keeps the repository discoverable with a warning.
Select Project Settings > Repositories, and then select a repository.
On the Settings tab of the <Repository name> page, under Disable Repository, set Disable Repository to On or Off.
Searchable branches setting
By default, code search in files applies only to the default branch. You can add up to five more branches to search.
To search code in repositories, you must install the Marketplace Code Search extension. If you don't see Searchable Branches in the repository Settings tab, make sure you have the extension installed.
To add branches for code search:
Select Project Settings > Repositories, and then select a repository.
On the Settings tab of the <Repository name> page, select the + in Searchable Branches.
Select a branch to include in search, and then select Add branch.
Cross-repo branch policies
You can set policies on a specific branch name, or on the default branch, across all repositories in a project. For example, you could require two minimum reviewers for all pull requests in every main branch for all project repositories.
To set policies to protect specific or default branch names across a project:
From Project Settings, select Repositories in the left navigation.
On the All Repositories page, select the Policies tab.
Select the plus sign + in Branch Policies at the bottom of the page.
On the Add branch protection screen, select Protect the default branch of each repository, or Protect current and future branches matching a specified pattern.
If you select the second option, enter the branch name to protect. An informational message lets you know how many current branches are affected. Keep in mind that branch name (or the pattern you entered) is case-sensitive. The branch doesn't have to exist yet to protect the branch name.
Select Create.
On the Cross-Repository policies for <branch name> page, set the policies you want for the protected branches. For more information about branch policies, see Branch policies.
Commit author email validation policy
This policy blocks commits to a repository by commit authors whose email addresses don't match a pattern.
Select Project Settings > Repositories, and select a repository if you want to configure only that repository.
On the Policies tab of the All Repositories or <Repository name> page, under Repository Policies, set Commit author email validation to On or Off.
If you turn on the policy, specify the email address or addresses to match.
You can specify exact email addresses or use wildcards. Use ; as a separator for multiple email patterns. Email patterns prefixed with ! are excluded. Order is important.
File path validation policy
You can set a policy that prevents commits to a repository from file paths that match a pattern.
Select Project Settings > Repositories, and select a repository if you want to configure only that repository.
On the Policies tab of the All Repositories or <Repository name> page, under Repository Policies, set File path validation to On or Off.
If you turn on the policy, specify the path or paths to block.
You can specify exact paths and wildcards. Exact paths begin with /. You can also specify multiple paths by using ; as a separator. Paths prefixed with ! are excluded. Order is important.
Case enforcement policy
Git is case-sensitive, meaning that a file called Foo.txt is different from a file called foo.txt. However, Windows and macOS default to case-insensitive file systems, meaning that Foo.txt and foo.txt are the same name. This discrepancy can cause problems if someone on a case-insensitive system pushes files, folders, branches, or tags that differ only by letter case. For more information, see Git Cross-Platform Compatibility.
If most of your contributors are on Windows or macOS, it's best to enable the Case enforcement policy. Case enforcement switches the server from its default case-sensitive mode, where File.txt and file.txt are distinct, to a Windows and macOS-friendly mode where File.txt and file.txt are considered the same file. This setting affects files, folders, branches, and tags.
This setting prevents contributors from introducing case-only differences. The setting avoids case-sensitivity conflicts by blocking pushes that change name casing on files, folders, branches, and tags. The user has to rewrite their unpushed history to fix the problem, then try the push again.
This setting won't fix a repository that already contains objects that differ only by case. It's best to fix such issues before turning on the policy. Rename files and folders or re-create branches and tags to use non-conflicting names.
Azure DevOps organization URL. You can configure the default organization by using az devops configure -d organization=<ORG_URL>. Required if not configured as default or picked up via git config. Example:
project, p
Name or ID of the project. You can configure the default project using az devops configure -d project=<NAME_OR_ID>. Required if not configured as default or picked up via git config.
The following example implements a required case enforcement policy in the Fabrikam repository. You can get the repository ID by using az repos list. This example uses the default configuration az devops configure --defaults organization= project="Fabrikam Fiber".
az repos policy case-enforcement create --blocking true --enabled true --repository-id d28cd374-e7f0-4b1f-ad60-f349f155d47c --output table
ID Name Is Blocking Is Enabled Repository Id Branch
---- ----------------------- ------------- ------------ ------------------------------------ ------------
40 Git repository settings True True d28cd374-e7f0-4b1f-ad60-f349f155d47c All Branches
Azure DevOps organization URL. You can configure the default organization by using az devops configure -d organization=<ORG_URL>. Required if not configured as default or picked up via git config. Example:
project, p
Name or ID of the project. You can configure the default project using az devops configure -d project=<NAME_OR_ID>. Required if not configured as default or picked up via git config.
ID of the repository on which to apply the policy.
Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s <NAME_OR_ID>.
The following example updates the case enforcement policy in the Fabrikam repository to no longer be enabled or blocking. This example uses the default configuration az devops configure --defaults organization= project="Fabrikam Fiber".
az repos policy case-enforcement update --blocking false --enabled false --policy-id 40 --output table
ID Name Is Blocking Is Enabled Repository Id Branch
---- ----------------------- ------------- ------------ ------------------------------------ ------------
40 Git repository settings False False d28cd374-e7f0-4b1f-ad60-f349f155d47c All Branches
Azure DevOps CLI commands aren't supported for Azure DevOps Server.
Reserved names policy
Not all filenames are allowed on the three major OS file systems: Windows, macOS, and Linux. Commits to a shared repository might contain file or folder names that are invalid on one or more platforms. If invalid files or folders are fetched and checked out on these platforms, working directories can become corrupted. For more information, see Git Cross-Platform Compatibility.
You can enable or disable policies to place restrictions on file and folder names. The Reserved names setting blocks pushes to a repository that contain file or folder names that are invalid on all platforms. To see what names are invalid, see Git Cross-Platform Compatibility.
To set the reserved names policy:
Select Project Settings > Repositories, and select a repository if you want to configure only that repository.
On the Policies tab of the All Repositories or <Repository name> page, under Repository Policies, set Reserved names to On or Off.
Maximum path length policy
Not all path lengths are allowed on the three major OS file systems: Windows, macOS, and Linux. Commits to a shared repository might contain files or directories with path lengths that are invalid on one or more platforms. If these files or directories are fetched and checked out on a platform where they're invalid, working directories can become corrupted. For more information, see Git Cross-Platform Compatibility.
The Maximum path length setting blocks pushes that contain files or directories with path lengths that are invalid on any platform. To see what path lengths are invalid, see Git Cross-Platform Compatibility. When you enable this setting, the default maximum value is 248, because that maximum length is 100% supported across all three major platforms.
You can modify the maximum path value. For example, if you only have macOS or Linux developers in your organization, you might choose to set the maximum length to the value that's supported on both platforms, 1016. You might also choose to set a lower maximum path value to enforce your organization's directory-naming conventions.
To set the maximum path length policy:
Select Project Settings > Repositories, and select a repository if you want to configure only that repository.
On the Policies tab of the All Repositories or <Repository name> page, under Repository Policies, set Maximum path length to On or Off.
If you turned on the setting, enter a maximum path length.
Maximum file size policy
Large files checked into Git remain in the repository indefinitely, increasing clone times and disk usage. For guidance on managing large files, see Manage and store large files in Git.
The Maximum file size policy setting blocks files over a certain size from entering the repository. If a push contains a new or updated file larger than the limit configured in this setting, the push is blocked. The user must rewrite their unpushed history to remove the large file and try the push again.
Azure DevOps organization URL. You can configure the default organization by using az devops configure -d organization=<ORG_URL>. Required if not configured as default or picked up via git config. Example:
project, p
Name or ID of the project. You can configure the default project using az devops configure -d project=<NAME_OR_ID>. Required if not configured as default or picked up via git config.
Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s <NAME_OR_ID>.
The following example creates a 1 GB blocking maximum file size policy in the Fabrikam repository. You can get the repository ID by using az repos list. This example uses the default configuration az devops configure --defaults organization= project="Fabrikam Fiber".
az repos policy file-size create --blocking true --enabled true --maximum-git-blob-size 10485760 --repository-id d28cd374-e7f0-4b1f-ad60-f349f155d47c --use-uncompressed-size true --output table
ID Name Is Blocking Is Enabled Repository Id Branch
---- --------------------- ------------- ------------ ------------------------------------ ------------
45 File size restriction True True d28cd374-e7f0-4b1f-ad60-f349f155d47c All Branches
Azure DevOps organization URL. You can configure the default organization by using az devops configure -d organization=<ORG_URL>. Required if not configured as default or picked up via git config. Example:
project, p
Name or ID of the project. You can configure the default project using az devops configure -d project=<NAME_OR_ID>. Required if not configured as default or picked up via git config.
ID of the repository on which to apply the policy.
Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s <NAME_OR_ID>.
Whether to use uncompressed size. Accepted values: false, true.
The following example updates the maximum file size in the Fabrikam repository. The example uses the default configuration az devops configure --defaults organization= project="Fabrikam Fiber".
az repos policy file-size update --id 45 --maximum-git-blob-size 20971520 --output table
ID Name Is Blocking Is Enabled Repository Id Branch
---- --------------------- ------------- ------------ ------------------------------------ ------------
45 File size restriction True True d28cd374-e7f0-4b1f-ad60-f349f155d47c All Branches
Azure DevOps CLI commands aren't supported for Azure DevOps Server.