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Released version 9.2 23044


Version 9.2 23044 for Microsoft Dataverse is now available in all regions. This article describes the updates, including the new features, and the fixes to existing functionality, which are included in this update. This version was first made available in preview on April 28 2023, and completed worldwide rollout on June 5 2023.

New features

No new features in this release.

Fixes and improvements

  • When browsing a chart in the Sales activity Social dashboard, a portion of the chart legend button and arrows were not accessible when using the desert and aquatic high contrast mode themes.
  • The NVDA screen reader did not announce any information about the stage navigation control buttons, when using keyboard navigation to select the next and previous buttons for a progress bar in an opportunity entity.
  • The screen reader did not announce the role for the progress bar items in an opportunity entity.
  • When sending an untracked email from the timeline in a contact entity, the email description section contained html code.
  • When using three finger touch commands on IOS devices, the Voiceover screen reader did not apply keyboard focus to the 'Case by account' and 'Case by Status' tiles for the visual filters in a Dashboard.
  • When creating a new task in the Sales Hub, a portion of the task duration field was not visible.
  • When editing the text spacing setting for any existing email message, the Language Direction and Access key form fields overlapped in the advanced find tab.
  • When creating a new task in an activity entity, a portion of the options within the duration drop down menu were not visible.
  • When opening a lead record in the Sales Hub, the suggestion details and work queues did not contain any information.
  • An error occurred when creating a new View in the Cases and Activities area of the Customer Service Hub.
  • When the first condition in a Business Process Flow was set to false in an opportunity entity, the BPF was no longer present.
  • An error occurred when modifying the name of a newly created view in the Appointments grid page.