mspp_entitylist EntityType
- Entity set path:
- [organization URI]/api/data/v9.2/mspp_entitylists
- Base type:
- crmbaseentity
- Display name:
- List
- Primary key:
- mspp_entitylistid
- Primary name column:
- mspp_name
- Operations supported:
Properties represent fields of data stored in the entity. Some properties are read-only.
Name | Type | Details | ||||||||||
mspp_calendar_alldayfieldname | Edm.String |
Display name: Is All Day Field Name |
mspp_calendar_descriptionfieldname | Edm.String |
Display name: Description Field Name |
mspp_calendar_enabled | Edm.Boolean |
Display name: Calendar View Enabled
Default options
mspp_calendar_enddatefieldname | Edm.String |
Display name: End Date Field Name |
mspp_calendar_initialdate | Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Display name: Calendar Initial Date |
mspp_calendar_initialview | Edm.Int32 |
Display name: Calendar Initial View
Default options
mspp_calendar_locationfieldname | Edm.String |
Display name: Location Field Name |
mspp_calendar_organizerfieldname | Edm.String |
Display name: Organizer Field Name |
mspp_calendar_startdatefieldname | Edm.String |
Display name: Start Date Field Name |
mspp_calendar_style | Edm.Int32 |
Display name: Calendar Style
Default options
mspp_calendar_summaryfieldname | Edm.String |
Display name: Summary Field Name |
mspp_calendar_timezone | Edm.Int32 |
Display name: Display Time Zone |
mspp_calendar_timezonemode | Edm.Int32 |
Display name: Time Zone Display Mode
Default options
mspp_createbuttonlabel | Edm.String |
Display name: Create Button Label |
mspp_createdon | Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Shows the date and time when the record was created. Display name: Created On |
mspp_detailsbuttonlabel | Edm.String |
Display name: Details Button Label |
mspp_emptylisttext | Edm.String |
Display name: Empty List Text |
mspp_entitylistid | Edm.Guid |
Unique identifier for entity instances Display name: List |
mspp_entityname | Edm.String |
Display name: Table Name |
mspp_entitypermissionsenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether or not the table permission provider will assert privileges on the entity type associated with this list. Display name: Enable Table Permissions
Default options
mspp_filter_applybuttonlabel | Edm.String |
Display name: Apply Button Label |
mspp_filter_definition | Edm.String |
Display name: Filter Definition |
mspp_filter_enabled | Edm.Boolean |
Display name: Filter Enabled
Default options
mspp_filter_orientation | Edm.Int32 |
Display name: Filter Orientation
Default options
mspp_filteraccount | Edm.String |
Display name: Filter Account Attribute |
mspp_filterportaluser | Edm.String |
Display name: Filter Portal User Attribute |
mspp_filterwebsite | Edm.String |
Display name: Filter Website Attribute |
mspp_idquerystringparametername | Edm.String |
The name of the parameter added to the Query String of the list item's URL that will contain the list item record's ID. Display name: ID Query String Parameter Name |
mspp_iscodecomponent | Edm.Boolean |
Use a configured code component Display name: Use a configured code component
Default options
mspp_key | Edm.String |
A non-localizable string that can be used by queries to retrieve the record. Display name: Key |
mspp_map_credentials | Edm.String |
Display name: Credentials |
mspp_map_distanceunits | Edm.Int32 |
Display name: Distance Units
Default options
mspp_map_distancevalues | Edm.String |
Shows a comma-delimited list of integer values to be populated in the drop-down list in the web portal for selecting the distance to search for a location on the map. Display name: Distance Values |
mspp_map_enabled | Edm.Boolean |
Indicates if a map view of the data is to be rendered. Display name: Map Enabled
Default options
mspp_map_infoboxdescriptionfieldname | Edm.String |
Display name: Infobox Description Field Name |
mspp_map_infoboxoffsetx | Edm.Int32 |
Display name: Infobox Offset x |
mspp_map_infoboxoffsety | Edm.Int32 |
Display name: Infobox Offset y |
mspp_map_infoboxtitlefieldname | Edm.String |
Display name: Infobox Title Field Name |
mspp_map_latitude | Edm.Double |
Display name: Latitude |
mspp_map_latitudefieldname | Edm.String |
Display name: Latitude Field Name |
mspp_map_longitude | Edm.Double |
Display name: Longitude |
mspp_map_longitudefieldname | Edm.String |
Display name: Longitude Field Name |
mspp_map_pushpinheight | Edm.Int32 |
Display name: Pin Image Height |
mspp_map_pushpinurl | Edm.String |
Display name: Pin Image URL |
mspp_map_pushpinwidth | Edm.Int32 |
Display name: Pin Image Width |
mspp_map_resturl | Edm.String |
Display name: REST URL |
mspp_map_type | Edm.Int32 |
Display name: Map Type
Default options
mspp_map_zoom | Edm.Int32 |
Display name: Zoom |
mspp_modifiedon | Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Shows the date and time when the record was modified. Display name: Modified On |
mspp_name | Edm.String |
The name of the custom entity. Display name: Name |
mspp_odata_enabled | Edm.Boolean |
Display name: OData Enabled
Default options
mspp_odata_entitysetname | Edm.String |
Display name: OData Entity Set Name |
mspp_odata_entitytypename | Edm.String |
Display name: OData Entity Type Name |
mspp_odata_view | Edm.String |
The entity view that defines the columns that will be mapped to properties of the entity exposed in the OData feed. Display name: OData View |
mspp_pagesize | Edm.Int32 |
Display name: Page Size |
mspp_primarykeyname | Edm.String |
Display name: Primary Key Name |
mspp_provisionedlanguages | Edm.Int32 |
Display name: Provisioned Languages |
mspp_registerstartupscript | Edm.String |
Shows your custom JavaScript that will be placed at the bottom of the page right before the closing </form> element. Display name: Custom JavaScript |
mspp_searchenabled | Edm.Boolean |
Display name: Search Enabled
Default options
mspp_searchplaceholdertext | Edm.String |
Display name: Search Placeholder Text |
mspp_searchtooltiptext | Edm.String |
Display name: Search Tooltip Text |
mspp_settings | Edm.String |
Display name: Settings |
mspp_view | Edm.String |
Deprecated Display name: View |
mspp_views | Edm.String |
Display name: Views |
statecode | Edm.Int32 |
Status of the List Display name: Status
Default options
statuscode | Edm.Int32 |
Reason for the status of the List Display name: Status Reason
Default options
Lookup properties
Lookup properties are read-only, computed properties which contain entity primary key Edm.Guid data for one or more corresponding single-valued navigation properties. More information: Lookup properties and Lookup property data.
Name | Single-valued navigation property | Description |
_mspp_createdby_value | mspp_createdby |
Shows who created the record. |
_mspp_modifiedby_value | mspp_modifiedby |
Shows who last updated the record. |
_mspp_webpageforcreate_value | mspp_webpageforcreate |
Unique identifier for Web Page associated with Entity List. |
_mspp_webpagefordetailsview_value | mspp_webpagefordetailsview |
Unique identifier for Web Page associated with Entity List. |
_mspp_websiteid_value | mspp_websiteid |
Unique identifier for Website entity associated with this record |
Single-valued navigation properties
Single-valued navigation properties represent lookup fields where a single entity can be referenced. Each single-valued navigation property has a corresponding partner collection-valued navigation property on the related entity.
Name | Type | Partner |
mspp_createdby | systemuser | mspp_systemuser_mspp_entitylist_createdby |
mspp_modifiedby | systemuser | mspp_systemuser_mspp_entitylist_modifiedby |
mspp_webpageforcreate | mspp_webpage | mspp_entitylist_webpageforcreate |
mspp_webpagefordetailsview | mspp_webpage | mspp_entitylist_webpagefordetailsview |
mspp_websiteid | mspp_website | mspp_website_entitylist |
Collection-valued navigation properties
Collection-valued navigation properties represent collections of entities which may represent either a one-to-many (1:N) or many-to-many (N:N) relationship between the entities.
Name | Type | Partner |
mspp_webpage_entitylist | mspp_webpage | mspp_entitylist |
The following operations can be used with the mspp_entitylist entity type.
Name | Binding |
BulkRetain | Not Bound |
CreateMultiple | Not Bound |
DeleteMultiple | Not Bound |
PurgeRetainedContent | Not Bound |
Retain | Not Bound |
RollbackRetain | Not Bound |
UpdateMultiple | Not Bound |
ValidateRetentionConfig | Not Bound |