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Manage end-of-sale offers

Appropriate roles: Admin agent | Billing admin | Helpdesk agent | Sales agent

End of sale (EOS) represents offers that are no longer available for purchase in the new commerce experience. EOS scenarios can apply to entire product/SKUs, regions/markets, and specific term durations. For these offers, existing subscription capabilities aren't affected, and services continue to work when an offer moves to the EOS state. EOS is currently supported for NCE licensed-based services and software products.

There are two different EOS states: End of sale (EOS) and End of sale with conversions (EndofSalewithConversions). These two states are similar in most capabilities, with the exception that EndofSaleWithConversions allows partners to upgrade to selected product/SKU/terms designations that are no longer available for new purchase but are available to upgrade into.

End of life indicates offers that are no longer available for purchase in the new commerce experience, and existing subscriptions won't be renewed. End of life isn't currently live, but when it is, partners receive guidance.

Partners can identify which offers have an upcoming EOS through the price list, see Pricing and offers. When an offer reaches the EOS effective date indicated in the price list, it's no longer available within the Partner Center catalog, including portal and APIs.

Existing subscriptions

For existing subscriptions purchased before the EOS effective date, service isn't affected. Partners can continue to manage their existing subscriptions (for example, renew or update licenses).


Partners need to enable autorenew in order to renew existing subscriptions for EOS products. Partners can't purchase new subscriptions of EOS products. Subscriptions continue to renew until the partner modifies their autorenew settings, the subscription expires, or end of life is enforced.

Changes to subscriptions

For NCE licensed-based offers, once the EOS effective date is reached, partners can no longer do the following:

  • Transition (also known as 'upgrade'), convert trials, or schedule changes to EOS offers.
  • Midterm and scheduled changes for term duration and billing frequency combinations that are EOS.
  • If a partner already submitted a scheduled change prior to EOS effective end date, the change is allowed and processed.

For EndofSaleWithConversions, once the EOS effective date is reached, partners can transition (also known as "upgrade"), convert trials, or schedule changes to EndofSaleWithConversions offers. However, partners won't be able to complete midterm and scheduled changes to term duration or billing frequency combinations that are EndofSaleWithConversions.

For example, for the Microsoft 365 and Office 365 Enterprise suites with Teams, which are EndofSaleWithConversions offers, partners can renew, upgrade, and update the number of licenses for the existing subscription. For these EndofSaleWithConversions SKUs, partners can no longer make changes to the billing frequency, subscription term, or currency and keep the existing subscription.

Partners can transition EOS or EndofSaleWithConversions offers to active product/SKUs and term durations. Partners can also transition from EOS offers to EndofSaleWithConversions or to other EndofSaleWithConversions offers.

For software offers, once EOS effective date has been reached, partners can no longer schedule changes with a billing frequency that is EOS. However, if a partner already scheduled the change prior to EOS effective end date, the change is allowed and processed.

For perpetual software, there's no impact, as these are one-time purchases without the ability to renew.

Partners can transition EOS offers to active product/SKUs and term durations.