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Reset my password

Appropriate roles: Global admin | All partners interested in Partner Center

If you can't remember your Partner Center password, you can reset it.

To reset your Partner Center password

To use the following method, your Global admin must have set up the password reset capability.

If your Global admin hasn't enabled this feature, you can ask them to reset your password for you via the Account settings workspace.

To reset your Partner Center password, use the following steps.

  1. On the Sign-in screen, select Can't access your account? and then select Next.
  2. Select Work or school account.
  3. Enter your user ID and the characters in the picture or audio, and then select Next.
  4. Set up your new password.

Get a new Global admin

If your Global admin leaves the company, someone else will need to fill that role.

To get a new Global admin, use the following step: