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Turn off Teams Native File Upload policy

Microsoft Teams uses OneDrive and SharePoint to store and share content, but some organizations and users might prefer to use third-party storage providers.

If your organization chooses a third party for content storage, you need to turn off the NativeFileEntryPoints parameter in the Teams Files policy. This parameter is enabled by default, which shows the option to upload content from OneDrive or SharePoint to Teams chats or channels.

This article helps you create, set, assign, and remove the NativeFileEntryPoints parameter using PowerShell.


When the Teams Files policy is turned off, users don't see access points for OneDrive and SharePoint in Teams. However, the creation of new teams and channels continue to trigger the generation of matching SharePoint libraries. The OneDrive app in the left navigation pane in Teams isn't affected by the Files policy being turned off.

Prepare to update the Teams Files policy

Set up Microsoft PowerShell

Currently, this policy can't be changed in the Teams admin center. Your organization's tenant administrator has to make the changes using the PowerShell cmdlets detailed later in this article.

Allow third-party apps in Teams admin center

This step isn't required to change the Teams Files policy, but it's required when you're ready to integrate your third-party storage provider in your users' Teams experience.

Your tenant administrator needs to enable the Allow third-party apps policy in the Teams admin center.

To learn how to allow third-party or custom apps, see Manage org-wide apps settings in Manage your apps in the Microsoft Teams admin center.

Turn off NativeFileEntryPoints for your entire tenant

Setting the -Identity parameter to Global applies the policy settings to all users in your organization.

Sample PowerShell policy cmdlet for entire tenant

The following sample PowerShell command sets the NativeFileEntryPoints parameter to Disabled for your entire tenant:

Set-CsTeamsFilesPolicy -Identity Global -NativeFileEntryPoints Disabled

Check the status of your tenant

To view the current status of your tenant's Teams Files policy, use the Get-CsTeamsFilesPolicy cmdlet.

Get-CsTeamsFilesPolicy -Identity Global

Turn on or turn off native file upload point

To turn on or turn off the native file upload point for your entire tenant, set the NativeFileEntryPoints parameter to either Enabled or Disabled.

Set-CsTeamsFilesPolicy -Identity Global -NativeFileEntryPoints Enabled
Set-CsTeamsFilesPolicy -Identity Global -NativeFileEntryPoints Disabled

Remove the policy for your users

To remove the Teams Files policy for your users, use the Remove-CsTeamsFilesPolicy cmdlet.

Remove-CsTeamsFilesPolicy -Identity Global

Turn off NativeFileEntryPoints for specific users

You can also update the Teams Files policy for specific users by creating a new Teams Files policy -Identity string and assigning the newly created policy to users.

Sample PowerShell policy cmdlet for specific users

This sample PowerShell command creates a new CsTeamsFilesPolicy with the -Identity named as UserPolicy and the NativeFileEntryPoints parameter set to Disabled.

When a user is assigned the CsTeamsFilesPolicy with -Identity UserPolicy, their native file entry points are turned off.

New-CsTeamsFilesPolicy -Identity UserPolicy -NativeFileEntryPoints Disabled

Assign a policy to user

Once you create the new policy, you can assign that policy to users using the Grant-CsTeamsFilesPolicy cmdlet.

Grant-CsTeamsFilesPolicy  -identity "user email id" -PolicyName UserPolicy

Update the policy

If you need to change the setting of the new Teams Files Policy UserPolicy, use the Set-CsTeamsFilePolicy cmdlet.

Set-CsTeamsFilesPolicy -Identity UserPolicy -NativeFileEntryPoints Enabled

Remove the policy for the complete list of users

To remove the policy from all users assigned to the Teams Files policy UserPolicy, use the Remove-CsTeamsFilesPolicy cmdlet.

Remove-CsTeamsFilesPolicy -Identity UserPolicy


Once you've made changes to the policy, allow up to 12 hours for the changes to show in users' Teams clients.