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Step 2 - Prepare the first PRIV domain controller

In this step, you'll create a new domain that will provide the bastion environment for administrator authentication. This forest will need at least one domain controller, a member workstation, and at least one member server. The member server will be configured in the next step.

Create a new Privileged Access Management domain controller

In this section, you'll set up a virtual machine to act as a domain controller for a new forest.

Install Windows Server 2016 or later

On another new virtual machine with no software installed, install Windows Server 2016 or later to make a computer “PRIVDC”.

  1. Select to perform a custom (not upgrade) install of Windows Server. When installing, specify Windows Server 2016 (Server with Desktop Experience); don't select Data Center or Server Core.

  2. Review and accept the license terms.

  3. Since the disk will be empty, select Custom: Install Windows only and use the uninitialized disk space.

  4. After installing the operating system version, sign in to this new computer as the new administrator. Use Control Panel to set the computer name to PRIVDC. In network settings, give it a static IP address on the virtual network, and configure the DNS server to be that of the domain controller installed in the previous step. You will need to restart the server.

  5. After the server has restarted, sign in as the administrator. Using Control Panel, configure the computer to check for updates, and install any updates needed. Installing updates may require a server restart.

Add roles

Add the Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) and DNS Server roles.

  1. Launch PowerShell as an administrator.

  2. Type the following commands to prepare for a Windows Server Active Directory installation.

    import-module ServerManager
    Install-WindowsFeature AD-Domain-Services,DNS –restart –IncludeAllSubFeature -IncludeManagementTools

Configure registry settings for SID History migration

Launch PowerShell and type the following command to configure the source domain to permit remote procedure call (RPC) access to the security accounts manager (SAM) database.

New-ItemProperty –Path HKLM:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa –Name TcpipClientSupport –PropertyType DWORD –Value 1

Create a new Privileged Access Management forest

Next, promote the server to a domain controller of a new forest.

In this guide, the name priv.contoso.local is used as the domain name of the new forest. The name of the forest isn't critical, and it doesn't need to be subordinate to an existing forest name in the organization. However, both the domain and NetBIOS names of the new forest must be unique and distinct from that of any other domain in the organization.

Create a domain and forest

  1. In a PowerShell window, type the following commands to create the new domain. These commands will also create a DNS delegation in a superior domain (contoso.local), which was created in a previous step. If you intend to configure DNS later, then omit the CreateDNSDelegation -DNSDelegationCredential $ca parameters.

    $ca= get-credential
    Install-ADDSForest –DomainMode 7 –ForestMode 7 –DomainName priv.contoso.local –DomainNetbiosName priv –Force –CreateDNSDelegation –DNSDelegationCredential $ca
  2. When the popup appears to configure DNS delegation, provide the credentials for the CORP forest administrator, which in this guide was the username CONTOSO\Administrator, and the corresponding password from step 1.

  3. The PowerShell window will prompt you for a Safe Mode Administrator Password to use. Enter a new password twice. Warning messages for DNS delegation and cryptography settings will appear; these are normal.

After the forest creation is complete, the server will restart automatically.

Create user and service accounts

Create the user and service accounts for MIM Service and Portal setup. These accounts will go in the Users container of the priv.contoso.local domain.

  1. After the server restarts, sign in to PRIVDC as the domain administrator (PRIV\Administrator).

  2. Launch PowerShell and type the following commands. The password 'Pass@word1' is just an example and you should use a different password for the accounts.

    import-module activedirectory
    $sp = ConvertTo-SecureString "Pass@word1" –asplaintext –force
    New-ADUser –SamAccountName MIMMA –name MIMMA
    Set-ADAccountPassword –identity MIMMA –NewPassword $sp
    Set-ADUser –identity MIMMA –Enabled 1 –PasswordNeverExpires 1
    New-ADUser –SamAccountName MIMMonitor –name MIMMonitor -DisplayName MIMMonitor
    Set-ADAccountPassword –identity MIMMonitor –NewPassword $sp
    Set-ADUser –identity MIMMonitor –Enabled 1 –PasswordNeverExpires 1
    New-ADUser –SamAccountName MIMComponent –name MIMComponent -DisplayName MIMComponent
    Set-ADAccountPassword –identity MIMComponent –NewPassword $sp
    Set-ADUser –identity MIMComponent –Enabled 1 –PasswordNeverExpires 1
    New-ADUser –SamAccountName MIMSync –name MIMSync
    Set-ADAccountPassword –identity MIMSync –NewPassword $sp
    Set-ADUser –identity MIMSync –Enabled 1 –PasswordNeverExpires 1
    New-ADUser –SamAccountName MIMService –name MIMService
    Set-ADAccountPassword –identity MIMService –NewPassword $sp
    Set-ADUser –identity MIMService –Enabled 1 –PasswordNeverExpires 1
    New-ADUser –SamAccountName SharePoint –name SharePoint
    Set-ADAccountPassword –identity SharePoint –NewPassword $sp
    Set-ADUser –identity SharePoint –Enabled 1 –PasswordNeverExpires 1
    New-ADUser –SamAccountName SqlServer –name SqlServer
    Set-ADAccountPassword –identity SqlServer –NewPassword $sp
    Set-ADUser –identity SqlServer –Enabled 1 –PasswordNeverExpires 1
    New-ADUser –SamAccountName BackupAdmin –name BackupAdmin
    Set-ADAccountPassword –identity BackupAdmin –NewPassword $sp
    Set-ADUser –identity BackupAdmin –Enabled 1 -PasswordNeverExpires 1
    New-ADUser -SamAccountName MIMAdmin -name MIMAdmin
    Set-ADAccountPassword –identity MIMAdmin  -NewPassword $sp
    Set-ADUser -identity MIMAdmin -Enabled 1 -PasswordNeverExpires 1
    Add-ADGroupMember "Domain Admins" SharePoint
    Add-ADGroupMember "Domain Admins" MIMService

Configure auditing and logon rights

You need to set up auditing in order for the PAM configuration to be established across forests.

  1. Make sure you're signed in as the domain administrator (PRIV\Administrator).

  2. Go to Start > Windows Administrative Tools > Group Policy Management.

  3. Navigate to Forest: priv.contoso.local > Domains > priv.contoso.local > Domain Controllers > Default Domain Controllers Policy. A warning message will appear.

  4. Right-click on Default Domain Controllers Policy and select Edit.

  5. In the Group Policy Management Editor console tree, navigate to Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies > Audit Policy.

  6. In the Details pane, right-click on Audit account management and select Properties. Click Define these policy settings, check the Success checkbox, check the Failure checkbox, click Apply and then OK.

  7. In the Details pane, right-click on Audit directory service access and select Properties. Click Define these policy settings, check the Success checkbox, check the Failure checkbox, click Apply and then OK.

  8. Navigate to Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Account Policies > Kerberos Policy.

  9. In the Details pane, right-click on Maximum lifetime for user ticket and select Properties. Click Define these policy settings, set the number of hours to 1, click Apply and then OK. Note that other settings in the window will also change.

  10. In the Group Policy Management window, select Default Domain Policy, right-click and select Edit.

  11. Expand Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies and select User Rights Assignment.

  12. On the Details pane, right-click on Deny log on as a batch job and select Properties.

  13. Check the Define these Policies Settings checkbox, click Add User or Group, and in the User and group names field, type priv\mimmonitor; priv\MIMService; priv\mimcomponent and click OK.

  14. Click OK to close the window.

  15. On the Details pane, right-click on Deny log on through Remote Desktop Services and select Properties.

  16. Click the Define these Policies Settings checkbox, click Add User or Group, and in the User and group names field, type priv\mimmonitor; priv\MIMService; priv\mimcomponent and click OK.

  17. Click OK to close the window.

  18. Close the Group Policy Management Editor window and the Group Policy Management window.

  19. Launch a PowerShell window as administrator and type the following command to update the DC from the group policy settings.

    gpupdate /force /target:computer

    After a minute, it will complete with the message "Computer Policy update has completed successfully".

Configure DNS name forwarding on PRIVDC

Using PowerShell on PRIVDC, configure DNS name forwarding in order for the PRIV domain to recognize other existing forests.

  1. Launch PowerShell.

  2. For each domain at the top of each existing forest, type the following command. In that command, specify the existing DNS domain (such as contoso.local), and the IP addresses of the primary DNS servers of that domain.

    If you created one domain contoso.local in the previous step with as its IP address, then specify for the CORPDC computer’s virtual network IP address.

    Add-DnsServerConditionalForwarderZone –name "contoso.local" –masterservers


The other forests must also be able to route DNS queries for the PRIV forest to this domain controller. If you have multiple existing Active Directory forests, then you must also add a DNS conditional forwarder to each of those forests.

Configure Kerberos

  1. Using PowerShell, add SPNs so that SharePoint, PAM REST API, and the MIM Service can use Kerberos authentication.

    setspn -S http/pamsrv.priv.contoso.local PRIV\SharePoint
    setspn -S http/pamsrv PRIV\SharePoint
    setspn -S FIMService/pamsrv.priv.contoso.local PRIV\MIMService
    setspn -S FIMService/pamsrv PRIV\MIMService


The next steps of this document describe how to install MIM 2016 server components on a single computer. If you plan to add another server for high availability, then you will need additional Kerberos configuration as described in FIM 2010: Kerberos Authentication Setup.

Configure delegation to give MIM service accounts access

Perform the following steps on PRIVDC as a domain administrator.

  1. Launch Active Directory Users and Computers.

  2. Right-click on the domain priv.contoso.local and select Delegate Control.

  3. On the Selected Users and Groups tab, click Add.

  4. On the Select Users, Computers, or Groups window, type mimcomponent; mimmonitor; mimservice and click Check Names. After the names are underlined, click OK then Next.

  5. In the list of common tasks, select Create, delete, and manage user accounts and Modify the membership of a group, then click Next and Finish.

  6. Again, right click on domain priv.contoso.local and select Delegate Control.

  7. On the Selected Users and Groups tab, click Add.

  8. On the Select Users, Computers, or Groups window, enter MIMAdmin and click Check Names. After the names are underlined, click OK then Next.

  9. Select custom task, apply to This folder, with General permissions.

  10. In the permissions list, select the following permissions:

    • Read
    • Write
    • Create all Child Objects
    • Delete all Child Objects
    • Read All Properties
    • Write All Properties
    • Migrate SID History
  11. Click Next, then Finish.

  12. Once more, right-click on the domain priv.contoso.local and select Delegate Control.

  13. On the Selected Users and Groups tab, click Add.

  14. On the Select Users, Computers, or Groups window, enter MIMAdmin then click Check Names. After the names are underlined, click OK, then Next.

  15. Select custom task, apply to This folder, then click only User objects.

  16. In the permissions list, select Change password and Reset password. Then click Next and then Finish.

  17. Close Active Directory Users and Computers.

  18. Open a command prompt.

  19. Review the access control list on the Admin SD Holder object in the PRIV domains. For example, if your domain was “priv.contoso.local”, type the command:

    dsacls "cn=adminsdholder,cn=system,dc=priv,dc=contoso,dc=local"
  20. Update the access control list as needed to ensure that the MIM Service and MIM PAM component service can update memberships of groups protected by this ACL. Type the command:

    dsacls "cn=adminsdholder,cn=system,dc=priv,dc=contoso,dc=local" /G priv\mimservice:WP;"member"
    dsacls "cn=adminsdholder,cn=system,dc=priv,dc=contoso,dc=local" /G priv\mimcomponent:WP;"member"

Configure PAM in Windows Server 2016

Next, authorize the MIM administrators and MIM Service account to create and update shadow principals.

  1. Enable the Privileged Access Management features in Windows Server 2016 Active Directory are present and enabled in the PRIV forest. Launch a PowerShell window as administrator and type the following commands.

    $of = get-ADOptionalFeature -filter "name -eq 'privileged access management feature'"
    Enable-ADOptionalFeature $of -scope ForestOrConfigurationSet -target "priv.contoso.local"
  2. Launch a PowerShell window and type ADSIEdit.

  3. Open the Actions menu, click “Connect To”. On the Connection point setting, change the naming context from “Default naming context” to “Configuration” and click OK.

  4. After connecting, on the left side of the window below “ADSI Edit”, expand the Configuration node to see “CN=Configuration,DC=priv,....”. Expand CN=Configuration, and then expand CN=Services.

  5. Right click on “CN=Shadow Principal Configuration” and click on Properties. When the properties dialog appears, change to the security tab.

  6. Click Add. Specify the accounts “MIMService”, as well as any other MIM administrators who will later be performing New-PAMGroup to create additional PAM groups. For each user, in the allowed permissions list, add “Write”, “Create all child objects”, and “Delete all child objects”. Add the permissions.

  7. Change to Advanced Security settings. On the line that allows MIMService access, click Edit. Change the “Applies to” setting to “to this object and all descendant objects”. Update this permission setting and close the security dialog box.

  8. Close ADSI Edit.

  9. Next, authorize the MIM administrators to create and update authentication policy. Launch an elevated Command prompt and type the following commands, substituting the name of your MIM administrator account for “mimadmin” in each of the four lines:

    dsacls "CN=AuthN Policies,CN=AuthN Policy Configuration,CN=Services,CN=configuration,DC=priv,DC=contoso,DC=local" /g mimadmin:RPWPRCWD;;msDS-AuthNPolicy /i:s
    dsacls "CN=AuthN Policies,CN=AuthN Policy Configuration,CN=Services,CN=configuration,DC=priv,DC=contoso,DC=local" /g mimadmin:CCDC;msDS-AuthNPolicy
    dsacls "CN=AuthN Silos,CN=AuthN Policy Configuration,CN=Services,CN=configuration,DC=priv,DC=contoso,DC=local" /g mimadmin:RPWPRCWD;;msDS-AuthNPolicySilo /i:s
    dsacls "CN=AuthN Silos,CN=AuthN Policy Configuration,CN=Services,CN=configuration,DC=priv,DC=contoso,DC=local" /g mimadmin:CCDC;msDS-AuthNPolicySilo
  10. Restart the PRIVDC server so that these changes take effect.

Prepare a PRIV workstation

Follow these instructions to prepare a workstation. This workstation will be joined to the PRIV domain for performing maintenance of PRIV resources (such as MIM).

Install Windows 10 Enterprise

On another new virtual machine with no software installed, install Windows 10 Enterprise to make a computer “PRIVWKSTN”.

  1. Use Express settings during installation.

  2. Note that the installation may not be able to connect to the Internet. Click to Create a local account. Specify a different username; do not use “Administrator” or “Jen”.

  3. Using the Control Panel, give this computer a static IP address on the virtual network, and set the interface’s preferred DNS server to be that of the PRIVDC server.

  4. Using the Control Panel, domain join the PRIVWKSTN computer to the priv.contoso.local domain. This step will require providing the PRIV domain administrator credentials. When this completes, restart the computer PRIVWKSTN.

  5. Install the Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Packages for 64-bit Windows.

If you want more details, see securing privileged access workstations.

In the next step, you'll prepare a PAM server.